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Family Fun!

You know, I used to be really good with a camera! What went wrong??? Why are the plates on the table in focus, and every thing else isn't? Weeeerrrr! At least I know I can get good photos from Tony and Dave to look at and enjoy.

Well, anyway, on Friday night me and Yorkie went down to see his folks. We stayed with Tony (his step dad) and Jenny (his sister). It was Nick's birthday this week so we went for the family party. And it was great! I love staying there, me and Tony talk for HOURS, and he always makes me feel good about my self and relaxed. He also given me some good advice on computer stuff to help with my business!

The party was great fun too, loads of food, a BBQ that set on fire, inflatable goals posts that almost killed Yorkie and Dave to inflate - and Yorkie got his inside out! Kids EVERY WHERE , Nicky, (a lass Yorkie went to school with) was there with her two little boys who are about the same age as Chris and Nick, and there are more toys than a toy shop, so you can imagin we were in our element! I lost Yorkie and Bob to a box full of Power Ranger toys for at least an hour!

As usual I was deeply touched by how nice his family are too me. Rachel even remembered my birthday is next week and along with an engagement card, gave me a birthday card and a lovely bunch of flowers too - now taking pride of place in my living room. She made the cards her self too and they are beautiful. She's thinking about starting up a small business selling them, she already sells some to people she knows. They're great (must remember to scan them later for you to see). I've swopped emails with Katie and Dave, and Dave's sent me his flickr address so I can see his shots of the kids. Tony's given us a disk full of photos of the boys too which is wonderful. We hardly had any photos of them, and now I have tons to enjoy!

The only down side of the trip was that it just asn't long enough. I didn't get chance to have a good natter with everyone, but seeing them at all was good. It's a shame that we wont get down again until Christmas.

We DID manage to get lost again on the way home. Don't we always?? Somehow the M1 turned into the A1, and we were only 48 miles of Teeside before we turned round and went back the way we came! At least it wasn't Wigon this time!


Angelina said…
You shuld come and visit me then!:D I'm off to Teesside soon.:3 Seems like you know a lot of creative people. Making and selling cards would be a great idea for your friend. I know you can make lots of money from them. People have suggested it to me work isn't really geared towards that and then there's the whole copyright stuff if you want to use a character you like over and over again. My problem if that when I draw a random character I get attachted to them and they gain a personality so it's even harder to let them go.;^; *Wibble* I haven't got you an engagement card btw, would you like one? You're present will be late, I'd prefer to give it you in person. Will have to arrange when though otherwise I'll end up leaving my trip to visit you for the weekend until the ast minuet and then it won't happen. I need you to set me a date so I don't forget...I can't remember which weekends you're away.:\


MummaWalker said…
I'm at a wedding next weekend (27th), but how about the weekend after that?

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