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Going back on my diet

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Gah... I look rough today!

Went to work at MM on Saturday, and stayed all day, and didn't do anything! Lol! Well, I've been workig from home and it was Andreas last day. So we nattered all day, oh, and we joined Weight Watchers again! DOOOOOOOOOM!

It needed to be done. Last year I did WW for about 4 or 5 months, and I dropped from 14 and a half stone, to 11 and a half. I kept it off until Feb this year - when the shit hit the fan, and now I'm 12 12 again! ACH!

So I've gained more than a stone again in six months. It's time to knock that on the head and get back to being trim. So I'm counting points, making sure I go to the gym twice a week, and making sure I work out at home too. After all, I have a trampet, an exsercise bike, god knows how many dance mat games.... I can still get a good half hour in every morning on the days I don't go to the gym. SORTED!

BUT I'M SOOOOO HUNGRY! I know that'll pass in a few days when my body gets used to it again. No more ice cream every night, no more take aways twice a week, and no more finding "good reasons" not to go to the gym today etc.

And anyway, I have to be slim enough to fit into one of those dresses in two years time. If I start now, take it slow, it'll stay off better, and I wont be under as much pressure to get thin before the wedding.

BUT - Getting back to the real me, the one that's not obsessed with weddings, lol, I bought Guild Wars for me and Yorkie - and they arrived on Saturday! OOHHHH! We LOVE it!

I have to characters running about, a Ranger / Monk and a Necromancer / Warrior, so I cn have one to play on my own, and one to level up with Yorkie and stick with him with, as the poor boy is at work out of the house and can't play it as often as me, hee hee!

Well, gonna dash
see you all soon!


Angelina said…
Why? WHY!?!?! There's no need to Charlie.;^; You're perfect the way you are. I'm still totally lost around here. LJ is easier to understand.Oo; I'll use this jounral too...I'm still confused though.:( Help meeeeee! *Melts*


MummaWalker said…
Lol, I don't want to risk getting so big again. It's not healthy after all, and sometimes I just feel like I want to be slim. Not skinny, just not blobby either, lol.

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