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It's my birthday today! I'm 26!!!! And I'm not too happy about it either, lol. It seems these days that - like Christmas - birthdays are for kids. They just stop being fun when you get older! or maybe that's just me.....

But I've done rather well out of it! Dad sent me £150.00 which paid for the car CD player I bought last month, Mum gave me a cheque for £200.00, which I will no doubt spend of clothes, make up and beer, Nan sent me £20.00 of M&S vouchers - which I spent on make-up and bath stuff (very nice), John gave me a pink wire cat sculpture - now taking pride of place in the front room, and Andrea called round with a beautiful Pocket Dragon to add to my growing collection! BRILLIANT!

Poor Yorkie had no idea what to buy me so we went into town so I could choose anything I wanted. DAMED if I could find ANYTHING that I wanted! Lol, so he bought me some of my fave Thorntons Champagne Truffles (YUUUUUUUUUM!) and then went home and ordered series 3 of 24 from Amazon. We went to Blockbusters and rented out 3 DVDs and bought a TON of junk food and alcohol, and spent the night snuggled up, drinking and eating, and enjoys being together. it was VERY sweet and VERY nice!

Me and Andrea have arranged to go on a girly night out next weekend - with the wedding tomorrow, I can't really do anything much for my birthday, so it makes sence to do something next week instead. Hopefully I'll be able to convince Angie to come down the same weekend, and I'll ask the girls tomorrow if they want to / can come too.


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