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Strange Communications

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Woooh! This top makes me look FAT! Wahhh! I love this top too!!!!

It's been a bit of an odd day. I had to call into MM to sort out a package for America that can't be sent from the office. Cause, it's Tuesday, so SHE was there. And she was nice as pie!! No questions about my dropping my hours and working from home, no mention of Andrea AT ALL! And I was expecting the 3rd degree!

In fact - she gave me a big fat slice of ginger cake - which I love. It was a bit heavy, but the guesture was noted. And mused over.........

This afternoon, I'm tapping away at the pc and my ex Shaun pops up on messenger. We chat - I'll always talk to him if he contacts me, although I don't go out of my way to start a conversation.

Here's a bit of the convo:

Shaun says:
Hello you

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:

Shaun says:
Mrs walker indeed - big congrats again

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
Lol, I meant to change that! Cheers

Shaun says:
so how ya doin?

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
*YAWN* I'm tired. You?

Shaun says:
ok, seein a new bloke call stuart, v cute.

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
Haa! You don't waste much time do ya?

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
So what's he like then?

Shaun says:
what 2 months plus.... Really nice, works in IT in leeds, 26, hairy chest, great kisser, fanatastic personality and makes me laugh

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
Leeds... That's a fair way away.

Shaun says:
no he lives in manchester but travels daily

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:

Shaun says:
been seein him about 3 weeks now - met him in a bar how weird is that

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
Why weird? Seems normal to me

Shaun says:
not really - last couple met through other people so to meet random stranger....
( he always insisted that he met Simon - his ex who he left me for - by chance on the internet. Hummmm )

Shaun says:
feels weird

Shaun says:
but we're taking it slowly

Shaun says:
quite rare for u to be online!!!

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
I think it's better that way. Yu don't start up expecting someone to be what they aren't. This way to get to know each other differently

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
No, I'm almost always here, lol

Shaun says:
just 'busy'

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
You just always catch me when I'm at the Gym, at Micro markets or driving Yorks to or from work

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
The rest of the time I'm glues to the damn thing

Shaun says:
as always - u never change

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
Well, at least I'm making money from it now

Shaun says:
true - i get to tell people how to spend it! how good is that!
( And when the money runs out???? Or did you mean at work? )

Shaun says:
so what else ya been upto?

Shaun says:
how is everyone?

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
Was at Mums on Thu night

Shaun says:
how is she?

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
Yorkie was at a stag do in Amsterdam so I thought I'd call home for a night

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
She's cool. She's just got all happy-happy-joy-jpy about the wedding, lol

Shaun says:
good i'm glad - do i get an invite?

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
She's got all this info on weddings at Towneley, and dragged me round all the wedding dress shops in Burnley!

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
You want to come?!

Shaun says:
doesn't waste any time - of course i want to come!!!! always never need an excuse for a piss up

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
Wooh! Now that's odd.... Coming to your ex fiencees wedding.... Not to be mean, but I'd have to run it by Yorkie
( Who will say NO! )

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
I know how pissed I'd be if he took "............."
( The ex I have an Issue with that is )

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
it's a funny topic

Shaun says:
its ok

Shaun says:
don't worry about it

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
I'll ask - hows that?

Shaun says:
ok - ur dads face wud b fun if i did walk in

Charlie The Future Mrs Walker!!! (no, Really!) says:
Ha! He STILL want to knee-cap you, lol

So you see, it's been odd. I really hope Shaun was winding me up about wanting to come. I have no intension of inviting him. How wrong would that be? I don't mind us being distant friends with a past, but having him at my wedding would be - well - sick. It would upset Yorkie, piss my dad off, and look very very strange to our friends and family. Dad already seems to think I have a lingering emotion for the man, which I don't by the way. I don't want anyone else getting the same impression.


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