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eBay... What a JOKE!

I think it is fair to say that I am getting throughly fucked off with eBay!

For more than a week now I have not been able to make any listing for Battle Heaven. Why? Becasue eBay are fucked up!

3 weeks ago my Seller Manager Pro had a little "blip". For three days I could not list, edit my listings, or create new listings. I contacted eBay via the only way you can - email - and to my supries they got back to me within 2 hours! I was told to edit my listings..... Duhhh! Didn't I say I couldn't do that? Then I was told to clear all my cookies etc. Well, I do that any way, but I gave it a try, and, shock horror, still nothing worked. I sent more emails. Got no answer. Then, 3 days later "ping" it was back. Phew! THEN I got an email from eBay saying they had checked my account and there was nothing wrong........! Gah!

Last Sunday it happened again. I promtly sent an email telling them it had happened again, and that I had already tried the two sets of corrected procedures they recommended last time, and that they had not worked again.

No answer.

So I have emailed twice a day, every day since, with the same message.


So I email them back and say that I HAVE TRIED THAT - IT DOESN'T WORK! IT WON'T LET ME EDIT! And I have not had an answer since, even though I keep emailing them, twice a day, every day!

And now it has stopped being just a miner pain in the arse, and is becoming a real threat to Battle Heaven's very existance! You see.... being a web based company with a very new web site, without sales on eBay, there is no money coming in from eBay, no customers finding the web site via eBay, in fact NO CUSTOMERS AT ALL!

And do ebay care?



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