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The Good, The Bad, and the F****g A******e!!

Well, what a weekend!

I’ve had a (generally) pretty good long weekend. Yorkie had Friday & Saturday off, so on Friday we just played Guild Wars ALL DAY! Didn’t even get dressed! Mind you, it was bloody cold on Friday, so I was sat at the PC in my P.J.’s, socks, slippers AND robe! But it’s not “getting dressed” really, is it? We had a nice day just playing the game together though.

On Sat I had to go to MM to drop off the stuff from Lancaster. Ste still isn’t happy with how it’s going. Can’t say I blame him though. Clive was there too, sorting out some of the building work. We only had a very quick chat because I was only parked for an hour, and I still had to go to the post office and my weight watchers meeting.

Weight Watchers was GREAT! I’ve lost another 3lb! Just 2 more to lose a WHOLE STONE! And with a bit of luck I might manage that this week!

I met Angie at the train station just after 12.15 and we went shopping again! Damned if I can EVER find any clothes I like that I am actually willing to pay for! After doing a full tour of Lancaster (including lunch at Chicago Rock) I gave up and bought a new top at Asda! But I suppose that as I am losing weight, I really shouldn’t be buying loads of clothes just yet.

At 7ish the three of us went up to Gary & Jill’s. The boys had a boozy night in with the PS2, while the girls went out for Tapas and wine! Fran couldn’t make it, so it was me, Angie, Jill, Sarah and Gemma. Jill had made some punch and had some dips and stuff so we had a drink and a small chomp before going out. The Tapas was GREAT but I’m going to have to do a LOT of work to shift the excess cals and sat fats I consumed! Not to mention the amount of booze too! The night out was great, and we ended up in the Bobbin afterwards until kicking out time.

The problems started at 1am when, as we were back with the lads by this stage, I said to Yorkie that we really should be setting off for home. He had work the next day, and he HAD SAID he wanted to be home early. Yorkie turned into an ARSEHOLE! Once we got home we had a massive fight – which pissed me off most because we have a guest and fights should be PRIVATE! It was our worst fight yet, but to his credit, Yorkie admitted ALL FAULT was HIS the day after and has been suitably sheepish and apologetic ever since. Forgiven, but not forgotten. I will not stand to be treated like that, and love or no love, engagement or not, if he behaves like that EVER again, we WILL BE OVER!

Me and Angie had a nice slooooow Sunday, watched films, had a natter, played a little Guild Wars, and we took her home after Yorkie had finished work. Sad thing is, that‘s gonna be it until Xmas / New Year. However, Jill is trying to plan a good New Years do and Angie will hopefully be coming to that too. Yorkie spent the rest of the day being an angel with me, trying his best to make up for the night before, and not doing too bad a job. In all honesty, I don’t want to hold a grudge, but for now I have no problems gently reminding him that he was bang out of order, and I would never / have never, given anyone a second chance on this kind of thing before. And there will be NO third chance!


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