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Better today - apart from the 15yo!

Ahh, I'm feeling better today! I've had some nice chats with some friends online - not the same as going out and seeing people, but it's not bad :0)

Good news is that Angie has not quit uni! So proud of her for sticking to it this time. She's made some good friends and seems to have settled in ok now, so I can stop worrying about her now.

I've signed up for this new message thingie, which has 3D avatars on it. Seems quite sweet, but I hardly know any one who uses it. The down side is that any one can ask to talk to you, even people you don't know. And guess what - as always happens to me, I end up chatting to a guy who want to show me his DICK! And get this - he's 15!!!!!!!!!

How many ways can i say NO! Apart from the fact that I have a feller and I'm getting married - HE'S 15! AND I'M NOT A PEDDIE!

Quickly blocked him. I don't care how oftern he called me a "cool adult" for not "freaking out", it's not happening! Why do I always end up with the wiredos talking to me?

On a nother track all together, I should be helping Yorkie do some driving today. I'm looking forward to it, but I am little scared too. He was put in for his test twice, so it's not like I have a total novice behind the wheel of my car, but that was almost 20 years ago, and I can't forget that fact. I really want him to be able to drive, and he knows it's something he'll have to do to get on in his job, and for when we start a family. After all, when I am huge with preggers tum, or in labour and needing to get to the hospital, driving wont really be an option for me.

Wish us luck on this one. All though there is a chance it wont happen today. If the weathers too bad he wont want to try it, but for now the sky is overcast, with no signs of rain, so unless he's had a horrible horrible day at work he might give it a go. It is sunday after all, and the roads will be (hopefully) very quiet. They usually are when I'm picking im up from work on a sinday, so this might just be the day.


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