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Mum's Will

Well, well, well......

I know I didn't mention this before - I was going to jot down in a couple of days that I had been to Burnley to see mum on some official business, but I didn't think for a moment that this "official business" would be this BIG!!!!


No, I mean, I REALLY own my house! It's in my name! Or it will be in a few days once the paper work is all finalised.

I thought I was just going down to be there while she up-dated her will (So that I don't have to go and live with my God Parents in the event of her death. I have nothing but love for my God Parents, but I think I'm I little old to need them to give me a place to live now), but no, as well as that there was much discussion about who to leave her house to (my children), who to give money to (me & my kids), and the signing over of my house (to ME)!!!!!
I can't believe it!
This means that - apart from owning the house - Mum finally sees me as a responsible adult, one which can be trusted with a house, and not just some daft money-spending girl who can't be risked with responsibility. Not that she would ever say any of those things to me, but she was right. My past relationship was a total drain on my cash flow (debt after debt after deft, "let's get a loan" etc, which would have become "let's get a loan against the house" or "let's get it morgaged", and then I would have lost the house). But now I have my own business, a great feller who wont take a penny from me, even when it's offered freely, and we're getting married and starting a family. Guess I am all grown up now! And she recognises that in me!
Thanks mum, for everything!


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