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Even though I got my cover note in the post this morning I STILL cannot tax my damned car!!!!!

I totted off this morning with all my doctments, in the pouring rain and gales, to the post office. I filled in everything I needed to fill in, bought a tax disk holder and then got told:

"Oh, we can't tax this car for you!"

"Why not?"

"Because it's registered for disabled use."

DAMN! In order to get my car taxed now I have to go to the DVLA people in PRESTON! If i'd known that I would have arranged to pick the car up at the same time, but there you go. And there's the problem of actually GETTING to Preston, as the DVLA place is no where near the train station, and I don't know my way well enough to get a bus, and I'm not paying for a taxi. The alternative? To post all the stuff and hope that they get it sorted ASAP!

Which is what I have had to do. Andrea, bless her, picked me up and dropped me home so I could go to MM and get my wages, and I did a very small shop while I was there, just enough food to see us for the next two days. I'll have to get the train down to WW on Saturday, which I'm not happy about either, and hopefully I should get a tax disk by the middle of next week and I get back to living a normal life!

It's all just so frustraiting!

Going to MM was odd though, there was next to nothing for me to do. I've had to contact paypal again for them as we STILL can't accept payments from customers through the web site. Andrea's packed all of her stuff and is off. She says there's no changing her mind this time, and I hope she can stick to it this time, because Glenn is just taking advantage of her good nature now. She's handed her notice in to him via email, and she'll get notification when he reads it. it'll be interesting to see what he has to say / do about it, lol!

We did just manage to get paid today too, which I'm glad about. I really thought there was a good chance that there wasn't going to be enough money in the building to do it, but we scraped by *phew*

I just feel like everything is working against me at the moment though. Everything that should be simple and straight forward is proving to be SO difficult and it's driving me MAD!


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