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You know, I STILL don't have my insurance docs through the post yet. It's becoming unfunny! Without them I cannot tax my car, With out tax, I cannot legally drive my car!!!! I'm supposed to be at MM tomorrow, will have to wait for the postman to come and then either 1) walk to post office, buy tax, walk home and then go to MM, or 2) There'll be no insurance docs and I'll have to scrounge a lift or get the train! Luckily Andrea jumped in and offered to take me in if I get stuck as she'll be local anyway around mid to late morning, but still, I want to be able to go to work in my own car! *grum*

Just spoken to Andrea actually. She's still highly pissed off and is leaving first chance she gets. Good for her I think! There's been a row between her and FB over money and things that Glenn said / hasn't said / done / not done and Andrea is understandably seathing. And it seems that SB is going to be off work for a few months too (news to me) as she is having a major op - maybe she's having her head removed from up her arse? Or her flappy gob sewn shut!

I'm not really looking foarward to going tomorrow. It'll be nice to see Andrea and Darren, and getting out of the house for a bit wont be a bad thing either, but I can't see it being a nice day. It seems there's only £60.00 in the shop till today, and three of us want paying tomorrow. There's a very strong chance that there wont be enough money to pay any of us as this rate! And what's the betting the FB wont hand over any more cash? It's utter madness!

I really want to just get away from the whole place, but I'm still holding onto that cash every week that I get for showing my face, and until I can be sure I'll get the same or more else where I'm stuck with it. Unless the money isn't there, in which case, what's the point in my showing up??

Guess I should go and look for some part time jobs.


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