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He's a bastard!

This is something Glenn must have shares in. Having read Andrea's journal this morning, I left her a message to cll me if she wanted to have a natter, and she did. And the things she's told me left my all but speechless!

Needless to say, Glenn has swanned off on his hols without paying the builders. This is now a debt of £1500..... How does this affect me and Andrea you might ask? Andrea's hubby is the guy responsible fo the build and the builders and other workmen on the job. Glenn had insisted that as many men as possible were put on the job, seemingly KNOWING he didn't have the money to pay them. And has fecked off.....

This means that poor Andrea and Clive have been having to scape together as much of their own money as possible to pay the men what they can - which leaves them short before XMas - and the men will have to wait for the rest. For at least two weeks! Understandably they are pissed off, but it's Andrea and Clives door the are banging on, not Glenns.

Andrea is so hacked off that she's looking for work else where. The cowardice and betrayal of Glenn has hurt her so badly.

At a pinch she could get all the money from the outlets and pay the men, but that means that the people who work for MM (like me and Andrea) wont get paid. She's going to try to get some money from Lancaster (if they have it, I'm sure they'll hand it over) and there's the money that FB makes on the market..... which will be harder to get hold off as she likes to "skim" off the top (i.e. pocket huge chunks of it).

I said that if FB wont hand over the money, to send the workmen down to her house to demand the money off her instead of Andrea and Clive, after all FB is the one who is "in charge" when Glenn's away, and it's Glenn that owes the money.

But she is so stressed, and there's nothing much she can do to make it all go away. If there's no money, then there's no money! But what's upset her the most if the fact that Glenn is so blatenly ignoring them both. If he had just called them to say "Sorry, I've not got it" that would have been something, but to just fuck off with out a word, ignoring all attempts to contact him..... It's dispicable!

Anyway, gonna go to Preston now, maybe do some Christmas shopping, and pick up my car. Until next time friends....


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