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Last night we had a fit of madness, and desided to go through all the boxes I have on the shelves in the front room. I have a set of nice silver shoe-box-style boxes that I use to store the random tat that everyone collects, you know the kind of stuff, things you don't use, but don't really want to throw away, like birthday card, bits and bobs that might be usefull one day, that kind of thing.

It's a job which needs to be done every now and then, and we always end up with a couple of empty ones at the end when we've thrown away stuff we haven't found a use for in X amount of time.

I also have a larger wooden box, bit like a chest. It was full of the same sort of random stuff. I thought we could use it as our toy box, and keep our trading cards and stuff in it. Only, as Yorkie got to the bottom, we had a horrible discovery!

Something had been trying to make a nest in it!!!!!

Papers were chewed, a small teddy-in-a-paper-bag had it's guts ripped out, and there was even a couple of small POOS!!!!! Only a couple though, and no sign of the creater...... The cat was in the room with us, any critter moving about would have been seen.

Yorkie then recalls, last year when we went on holiday we found a dead mouse behind our front door when we got back. We thought the cat must have actually caught something and brought it in when our neighbour was in to feed her. Maybe it was the same critter???

It's very worrying though, I mean, we don't live like pigs or anything, but we are not the tidiest of people, and the way I have the furniture set up means that we don't see the edge of the walls etc unless we're having a good hoover up.....! And also, it goes to show how often I get to the bottom of that box!

The said box is in for a good clean and disinfect tonight, and we're going on a mouse-poo hunt to make sure it was a one off, and that we aren't unwittingly housing a whole tribe!

I feel quite sick!


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