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6lb gain

Gutted. I weigh 11 stone and 6 lb! Look at how HORRIBLE that chart looks now! I'm almost back up to my 10% goal instead of down to just a lovely 11 stone.... the lightest I have ever been as an adult.... Almost makes me want to cry!

Not as gutted as I would have been if it still said 8 pounds this morning, but still, 6 pounds is almost half a stone that I have gained over Christmas! Well, that'll teach me for living of bacon, sausage and chocolate for 5 days wont it!?

And I do know that I can be 11 stone, it's no longer a distant dream or impossibiliy which it had felt like for so long. I know deep down that I will not only get back to 11 stone, but that I will also get lower and healthier. At 11 stone I am still too heavy to be healthy for my height and build, and I wont relax until I am beblow the 10 and a half stone mark. That's when I get to the top of my healthy weight band.

But as for the Valentines Challenge.... well, it's 7 weeks between now and my last WI before Valentines day. I should loose at least 1 lb a week, so that would be half a stone, and would get me to 1 lb lower than I was before XMas. But I'm not happy with that! I want to aim for 2 lb a week and shift a whole stone! And that's not impossible. A big pig out like this one might kick my body into motion again - now it knows I'm not starving it - and I might loose weight a little quicker again for a while like when you first start a diet.

Also I WILL be going back to the gym, as of NEXT WEEK! I plan to go on Monday and use the gym, and while I'm there see if / when the pool will be open. If it is I am hoping to go to the Gym every Monday, and the Pool every Friday. I might even start calling in on a Wednesday too, but I'm not sure if I'll swim or gym it then. See how it goes.

There are classes I can go to as part of my membership, so I think I'll have look at the new 2006 class lists and see if there is anythig I fancy. I feel a bit daft doing something like areobics, but if it burns the cals, and I am already paying for them in my membership, what's the harm? And anyway, there might be something a little more interesting like Yoga or something that I can join. I'm not the best in the world for sticking to a class, it's not like the gym or pool where you can just turn up and do what ever. I know I might not stick to a class, but I'll have a look anyway and see what there is. I have to remember that once the schools go back I might not be able to go to the pool whenever I want as the school kids will be in having thier lessons....

Who's have thought that planning a fitness scheme for yourself would be so hard!? Still, if I get it right and I get a good hour or hour and a half in two or three times a week I would loose some more weight and tone up pretty quickly.

Well, that's the plan anyway.

These are pictures of my loal gym and pool by the way, before they have been done up. The gym is much much nicer than it looks there, and I am yet to see the newly done up pool. Just thought you'd like to see where I go to get fit!


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