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Catch Up

Didn't get chance to post yesterday, saw doing too much! Not like me at all is it?

Yorkie got home from Lelly and Coops' at 6.15am again.... Not as un-fussed as I was on Wednesday as we had to be up and doing stuff on Friday, but he did manage to pull his weight so I'll let him off.

About 10ish I dragged him into town to do some more of his Christmas shopping. I swear I will never understand the way men shop for Christmas.... We went to Boots and the one thing he had in mind to buy his mum's feller Dave had sold out. Last time we were there - buying things - they had loads. Yorkie, in a strop, desided he's had enough of town after this one shoip because it meant that he didn't know what to buy Dave any more. I asked him why he hadn't bought it last time we were there. He said he didn't have the money for it then. But I'M the one who paid for the stuff from Boots when we were there last, so that wasn't an issue.... Go figure.

I made him buy at least one gift before we left town, damned if I was being dragged round and not come back with anything. So he bought something for his brother, and desided that the thing he's already bought his brother would do for his brother-in-law instead. *sigh* Now all he has to get is his mum's, his mum's fellers, mum's friend Joy's and, oh, yeah, MINE!

BUT he's at work now every day until Friday. And on Friday we leave for the grand tour du famile..... Thursday night is late night shopping, and he thinks he can get round a bit then and maybe friday morning. Great. I'll love that.


Anyway. After town we came home, dumped what we had bought, and set off for St Helens to see my Nanna. It was great to see Nan, I only see her like 3 or 4 times a year, and she always makes such a fuss of us. She cooked us a huge roast chicken lunch (chicken with the skin on and covered in Garlic Butter! Yum yum yum. Pile on the pounds!) and gave us gifts for the two of us and for my mum. We gave her dog (bruce willis the sausage dog) and big fussing and discussed the state of the nation! Which is always a joy with Nan. I was brought up conservate, as was my dad, and so was Nan by the sounds of things. I could see poor Yorkie cringing in the courner as Nan annouced that was this country needs is another "Maggie". As Yorkie is from the Sheffield area, this is not a notion HE was brought up with!

After Nan's we called in on Jacs and David and their girls. I snuck the christmas presents to Jacquie and presented Caitlin with the box of Disney books I've been saving for her and Mia for the best part of a year now. I know books aren't the most fun gift you can give a 5 year old, but they ARE Disney, and she loves Disney Princesses, and they actually went down very very well. To the point where the little madam insted we all chose a book and read it! Mia's started walking now! She looks so adorable taking a few unaided steps before falling over with a giggle.

It's really brought it home to me exactly how much I want a family, seeing Jacs and David and their daughters sat togther, loving being together, so happy with Christmas right round the corner. It broke my heart that we had to leave by 7.30 so that Yorkie could be home in time to get a good night's sleep for work today. Jac's wanted us to stay the night, but there was no way we could do it. We have said though, that in the New Year I'll call down again when I go to Nans again in Jan, and that they are going to come and see us a bit more. We have no room to put them up, but they suggested staying in the local travel lodge, which is only 10 mins away so that would be great!

Today's been busy too, but I've got finished with a couple of hours to spare so I have managed to get on here for a bit. It was up first thing to get Yorkie to work, and then I went off to my WW meeting. And it's been my lucky day for WW today!

If you look back over my blog for this week, you'll see that I have over eaten almost every day, AND I have been drunk. And I was SO convinced I would have put on a couple of pounds, but you know what? I actually LOST HALF A POUND WHICH MEANS I'M AT MY CHRISTMAS GOAL OF 11 STONE!

And what's more is that I also won the raffle, so I've got 7.50 worth of WW snacks to keep my going over the holidays! How brilliant is that?

Tonight though, is MY sing star night. Lelly can't make it, and Fran's sick with the flu so she can't come. I'm hoping Sarah's feeling up to it. She said yesterday that she's still suffering, but that she was going to try. Jill's still coming as far as I know, and Debs and Marie will be there too, so it's going to be a fun night. I've stocked up on real booze, alcho free booze, mixers and snacks, and even bought some more wine glasses. I've cleaned up the house and dug out all my daft PS2 games. I've not sorted out what I'm wearing yet, but I think jeans and a nice top will do the job. I just hope it all goes alright. I'm not used to having the girls round. My natural scruffiness means I rarely invite people round as I am some what asheamed of how untidy everything is - but not enough to change my ways!

Wish me luck!


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