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Feeling odd again

Yup, got that nasty tight feeling in my gut again. No idea why. Wish it would go away!

Yorkie's off today, so we're going into town in a bit to do some more Christmas shopping. I'm not sure I'm really in the mood to go to town, but I don't have much of a choice. I have orders which need to be sent, and I have to put some money in the bank or I'll be in a world of pain! But all I want to do is stay inside, maybe play some games, and just be cozy with my man and our cat.

Maddening how life gets in the way!

I think I'm going to have to go back to the doctors at some point in the near future. This feeling of anxiety is not getting any better. I'm actually getting breathless with it! And I know that's not good.

Spoke to Andrea on Yahoo yesterday while I was at MM. She's going through more shit, poor woman. Her hubby was in an accident over the weekend, the wheel came of his van and he ended up with concushion. Luckyly he was only driving slowly, had be been on the motorway.... well, it doesn't bare thinking about really. Glenn still hasn't been in touch, even though he's back. She spotted him, but he didn't see her. I think it's time to send the boys round to get the money that's owed! Needless to say she's not a happy bunny and isn't wanting to be out and about much at the moment. Hope she's feeling better soon. I'm missing her company and want a girly day together as soon as she's feeling up to it.

Thinking of which, I'm supposed to be sorting out a girly night for the wives and girlfreinds soon, well, before XMas anyway. Don't know if a night in or a night out would be best. A night out would be less stressful for me, but there's the whole money issue to think of. A night in would be cheaper at this time of year. Not sure what to do about that one.

I also still haven't got round to sorting out when I'm going to see Nan and Jacs. With the car playing up I'm not happy about going on the motorway just yet. I have it booked into the Garage for Wednesday, which means I'll be able to drive it again, but paying to have it fixed means that I wont have much money left to play with. It's a bit catch 22....

In fact I'm having a really hard time gettng myself to sort anything out. Everything seems stressful at the moment, and I keep putting things off. That's always a bad sign for me. Everything piles up, and becomes more worrying, which means I just hide from it more, and it gets worse and worse. I think I'll feel better once we've been to town, because then at least I will have sent some orders and got a bit more shopping done and out of the way. I have loads of house work to do which I keep putting off, to the point where I have no clean clothes to wear because for some reason doing the laundry seems daunting! Don't know why. It makes no sence!

I shall force myself to do some today. Once it's done, I'm sure I'll feel better.


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