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Guess I'll have to diet again.....

I've just had a horrible shock! I jumped on the scales in the bathroom and they say I am 11 stone 8 lb!

I refuse to believe I have put on 8 lb over Christmas!

I know I have eaten a huge amount of food, and a stupid about of chocolate and booze has also passed between my lips, but 8 lb????

I am just hoping - hope against hope - that it not an accurate reading! It's early evening and I have been eating and drinking all day, and evening weights are always different to morning weights. So I shall try not to panic unti morning and weight myself before breakfast like I normally do at the WW meetings.

Needless to say I am NOT happy about this all the same! The only reason I got on the scales tonight is because I have had another reminder from WW Challengers that I have not submitted a start weight or target for the Valentines Challenge and I thought I'd get it posted.

Instead I have made a comment and promised stats in the morning.


Still, life goes on regardless of Christmas weight gains. Poor Yorkie is not feeling well, so this morning I drove off to the super market to buy some food - as we had none! While I was there I took advantage of the sales and picked up a few bits we wanted, like Prince of Persia 3 for PS2 for Yorkie, Zoo Tycoon 2 expansion on PC for me, Kaiser Chiefs CD and Green Day CD/DVD for us both (well, I said the Green Day was for Yorkie, but we both know I'll listen to is as much if not more than him, hee hee hee), and apart from having to go BACK to the store to change my PC game (they had given me the full game which I already had, not the expansion, grr) had a pretty good shopping trip! I have gone back to buying the mostly healthy diet type stuff we were on before xmas (plus the random junk food he loves for his lunches) and I think it wont take long before I get back on track diet wise. I still have half a ton of chocs left, but they are starting to look a little less tempting now!

Cheeky Chicks!

I'm in the "Cheeky Chicks" group for the Valentines challenge this time, so why not have a mooch on and see how we get on!


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