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Gutted, Damn the Flu!

The damn flu has spread round the rest of the girls and they are all sick..... In the end only Debs and Marie could make it, and I was starting to feel more than just a bit off myself. So I had to cancel my sing star party. Soooo sad!

It's fair enought though. Poor Sarah looked so ill last weekend at Simon's 30th, and we were all very close, and sharing the dips and stuff. It makes sence that we've all caught it. I've been putting my own symptoms down to feeling depressed, getting drunk and throwing up, and being cold yesterday. I.E. bad tum, sore throat and banging head. It feels like someone driving six inch nails in the base of my skull. Guess in truth I've got a touch of this bug that they all have. Even Jill said "blame Sarah", lol. Still, the game's are going no where, and me and Yorkie troffed the snacks for tea last night! It's not like I can't do it all again in the New Year.

So instead me and Yorks spent the night cuddled up with the cat eating junk and catching up on the TV we've missed all week with us being out and social, and catching up on talking to the family on the phone and sorting out the plans for Christmas. We went up to bed early to watch Good Will Hunting on channel 4, which I've never seen, and fell asleep before it even finished! Guess I would have been no good hosting a party last night after all! Still gutted about it though.

I plan on doing as little as possible today. Apart from ferrying Yorkie to and from work, I think all I'll do today is a bit of laundry and a good few hours on the Sims. There's little point doing any work, as everything is up dated and I can't deal with any suppliers / banks on a Sunday. I have things I need to sort, but they can wait until tomorrow. Stuff um! I'm feeling stressed out by work a the moment I want to do a Glenn for the day, i.e. bury my head in the sand and hope it sorts it self out! Hee hee hee, I know it wont, but just for today I'm going to pretend!


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