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11 Stone Again! YAY!!!

WOW! I've made it back too 11 stone! SOOOOO Impressed with me! It's taken a while to shift that 8lb I gained over Christmas, but not as long as it could have taken.

I know I'm VERY unlikely to get to my Valentines Challenge of 10 stone 6 by the end of the challenge as that would require an 8lb loss in 2 weeks - and lets face it, that would just not be healthy! But I'm happy with what I have managed.

AND I have prooved to myself that I can do the diet with out going to the meetings - which I still feel bad about. But like I said, the eSource keeps me keeping track of everything, and Weight Watchers Challengers gives me all the support and motivation I need to carry on so it looks like I am going to be fine after all.

I only have a stone to loose before I get to my goal weight now! I know the last stone is the hardest to shift, but if I keep to my points, keep to my work-out plan, and stick to the water drinking I'm sure I'll get there.

In theory next week I will be under 11 stone which means I'll have fewer points per day, which is a worry, but I'm sure I'll get used to it within a couple of days. After all, what's a point or two here and there? All I have to do is have slightly less - or different - fruit with my breakfast, or skip the roll with my lunch time soup or switch it for something else like a slice of bread which is less points.

Yesterday I still had 8.5 points left at the end of the day and it was a strugle to eat them. I only HAD to eat 4.5, so I got a small bowl of dates, but I could quite happily have not eaten them because I was still full after my tea - which had only been 5 points! Imagin that - being full of a 5 point meal when I used to have meals upwards of 15 or even 20 and still want to nibble afterwards!

I'm very impressed with myself today. Can you tell? Hee hee hee!


Rainypete said…
Good on ya lass! I've been unofficially doing the WW thing since January and am down a total of 14 lbs so far. It's pretty easy if you do it for your own reasons and not because someone made you do it. Even if it takes a bit longer you will get there.

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