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For Isabel & Mannie

Tonight I had a horrible phone call from my mother. She had just spoken to my godmother Janette. She and Ron have two daughters, both older than me. The eldest, Isabel, lives in Florida with her husband Mannie.

5 months ago they had a beautiful baby daughter.

Yesterday morning Isabel went into her daughters room to find she had died in the night.

Cot death.

There's nothing I can say or do which will make any of this right. There's nothing any of us can do. We still don't know why cot deaths occur. Maybe we'll never know. Personally, I think every case, every child, is different, and you just have to do your best for your children, and hope that what you do is right. Sometimes..... for no known reason..... children pass away.

I am not a religious person. I haven't prayed for years - for my own reasons and now is not the time to go into them - but faced with this news I almost wish I did have some faith. Then at lest I could say that their daughter was gone to a better place and would be watching over Isabel and Mannie.

I tried to find some poetry to post on here tonight which would convey the right message of love and support. But nothing I found was quite right. I never met Isabel's daughter. I haven't met her husband yet. One of the problems of being inter-continental I guess.

I would be grateful if you could all - in your own way - take a moment for this poor girl, who never had a chance of living her life, and for her parents and grandparents, who never got the chance to share her years of growing up and becoming a woman. Your kind thoughts are all I ask for.


No one Really said…
She has my thoughts.

I too have lost a daughter..

I'm afraid to say, it doesn't get easy. Time does heal.

I was also lucky enough to go on and have two more children, which helps.
Rainypete said…
It's something I live in fear of every day until the little guy is finally old enough to be shot of the risk! His sister managed just fine but than never really puts the mind totally at ease.

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