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Oh yeah, it was New Year.....

Now that I have been back hard a work today (hee hee) it dawned on me that it is in fact Jan 3rd and I haven't said hardly a word about our New Years Eve out .... the FIRST New Years Eve out we have ever had together in 4 and a half years!


Plain and simple.

We started off at 7pm at the White Cross, which is not somewhere we have ever really been to, but it's very nice. For once we were the first people to arrive. The meal was booked for 8 and the text message we had been sent said "meet at white x from 7 so even late comers have time for a pre dinner tipple"... When it got to 25 past and still no one else had arrived we got a little worried!

We needn't have though, as moments later just about everyone piled in and the table we had secured was suddenly far too small for the number of people who had turned up. It was a great crowd too:

Garry, Jill, Ray, Sarah, other Sarah, Oz, Andy, Tara, Colin, Olly, Sophie (Olly's gf, first time I meet her, very nice) and a hand full of other people I didn't know who were just there for drinks.

it was 2 mins to 8 before we left the White Cross for the Golden Dragon.... and a longer than 2 min walk to get there. I had visions of Marks birthday one year when we were late for our booking at Golden Dragon and they had given our table away.... but they did let us in. We had to go up stairs regardless of booking a ground floor table, but personally I prefer it up there. it's smaller, cozy, and fewer people for us to up set! Which is a good thing as Yorkie was exploding his cigarettes (by inserting the popping bit of party poppers in the end to see which end goes BANG) and batting balloons round the place like children.

We were very loud, and very very well fed, and very very VERY drunk by the time we left, almost 3 hours later! Part of the crowd went to the Bobbin (a MUST) and others went right back to White Cross (I think, I was a bit drunk by this stage). I was in the Bobbin crowd naturally! Which was packed full of people I know and love, and people who I just know the faces off because I love Yorkie, and people I have just a passing aquaintence with. Needless to say at midnight I kissed just about all of them! Of cause my first, best and only meaningful kiss was with my dear darling Yorkie!

Jen was there with Steph, Rick was there, Alex from LnM College.... and all the people who's names I don't know but seem to think I am cool because of either 1) putting up with Yorkie, 2) Selling the stuff I sell, 3) Having HUGE knockers..... or 4) All of the above!

At some point after midnight we wondered back up to White Cross to meet up with the others. I was STEAMING drunk, and pretending not to be. I was trying to hold a conversation with Jill, while texting her at the same time, staggering drunkenly in the dark and the rain, and did a Yorkie! I was brutally savaged by a bench! In fact, after sucessfully navigating a bin, lamp post and phone box I went completely arse over tit over it, and wrecked all my right shin, to the point where I cannot lean on it at all. The reason (apart from being totally shit faced) was as I was texting the low sat bench was hidden from my line of sight by the mobile phone I was squinting at. Walking's fine, but I never realised how much time I spent on my knees until now.... (Don't ask)

White Cross was considerably more busy than when we had left, but not as busy as the Bobbin. The first crowd there had managed to get a large seating area convinently between the loos and the pool table, and not far from the bar. I was bought some vast quantity of Vodka and coke, and much of the rest of the night is a blur.

I know there was more kissing of friends, a very long, drawn out and dull conversation wih some guy called Stuart (who I palmed off onto Jill, who then passed him onto Sophie), a good long Guild Wars natter with Oz, and Andy asking me if Yorkie was able to satify me in bed.... To which the answer was a resounding "HELL YES" which went down very well with Andy indeed - in fact I think he bought Yorkie a drink on the grounds of that statement....

They started kicking out at about 3ish I think, which was good timing as I was just starting to want to go home. Again, more kisses with friends, and then..... Nothing. I recall nothing else of the night. Apparently we walked. Apparently I wanted Pizza despite being full to bursting of Chinese (so it's a good job no where was open). Apparently I managed to get undressed and into bed without being sick (No meds over XMas saw to that). So apart from the hidious broozing to my right leg, it was a damned good night out!

Glad we finally managed to do it!


Rainypete said…
Glab you had a great time and I hope our shin feels better soon.

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