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Restless and moody

I am in a wreched mood today. I think I might be over tired, or "coming down" from all the sugar I've been eating the last 3 weeks. I'm not in a "pick a fight" mood, or a "cry" mood, I'm in a "nothing will make my happy today so I'm not even going to bother" mood.
Ever get like that?
There are things I could do;
  • I could call a friend or my mum and have a natter, but I don't have anything interesting to say today. I'd only moan, and I'm on here to stop me moaning to people verbally.
  • I could do some work, but I have no money to play with and therefore no new lines to sort out, so there's not any work to do apart from the books and I need Andrea's help for that.
  • I could paint some miniatures, but I only have one set of Ork sheilds to paint and I don't want to set up my whole kit for 1 hours painting and glueing.
  • I could play Guild Wars, but with just 1 pc it's not as much fun.
  • I could Sim, but I've been doing that already today and it's not entertained me like it normally does.
  • I could go to the gym, but I hate going on the weekend and I'm going tomorrow anyway.
  • I could do some house work - Yeah! Right! I'm not THAT fed up. Yet...

I have a headache starting, but that's only because I'm fed up. I need to find something to occupy myself with soon though. I'm starting to contemplate invading the kitchen in the search of snacks, not because I'm hungry (I've only just had lunch an hour ago) but because it'll be something to do for a bit.

I think I will end up simming some more though. It's always a good fall back when I'm fed up. I can create a perfect family to envy, I can destroy peoples lives without anyone actually getting hurt, I can design dream homes... alsorts. Nice things or bad things depending on my mood and head state. It's a great way to expore your own control freak personality! And it is a very time consuming game. But it's not what I really fancy doing. I don't know what I fancy doing.

I guess I'm just off today. Things will be better tomorrow.


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