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back log of posts!

I know it's been over a week since I last posted, but this is how busy I have been! I have been keeping a diary of my activites in word, and today is the first chance I have had to load them on, so here are some back dated posts.

I am really gutted that for some reason word and blogger don't seem to agree on some punctuation.... every time I have typed a ' it's come up with some random crappy code which I think wrecks my posts! But they're there now and damed if I'm re-writting them, so sorry about that.

I have been working away on my new PamperDayZ web site, and slaving away at building new pages for the MM web site, and between all that and sorting out my Avon stuff I have not had a moment to my self. I'm shattered! And on top of that my central heating is playing up and we're freezing to death at home! I've had to light the gas fire in thr front room and work down here - off line - all week. it's costing me a forune in Gas, but the cat's happy! Sprawled out in front of the fire all day. I have no money to fix the boiler, so we have to wait for Yorkie to get paid again so we an "get a man out" to see to it.

I got an email today from MM's web site host provider reminding me that the domain and hosting need renewing at the end of this month. It'll cost 57.50 plus VAT to renew. I've told Bossman, and I think it will be very interesting to see what his reaction is. I have the feeling that he wont bother to renew it - which will really piss me off concidering I have lost 2.5 days working for his crappy compnay this week which could have been spent on my OWN business! Not to mention that means I won get his 50 quid every week anymore.

On a "lighter" note, I have lost another half pound this week, despite going over my points by a grand total of 9.5, and that I have done NO excerise at all this week. That's the end of the Valentines Challange, and the start of the Easter Challenge hence the change of ticker up there). I only have 13lb to loose now before I get to my goal weight! it's an 8 week challenge, and if I get back into my excersie routine I should managed 13 pounds in 8 weeks. Well, here's hoping anyway. I might change my mind and say I'll get to 10 stone 6 which I guess is a little more realistic!

Well, I'm off now. I'll try to keep this up to date a bit better this week. We have Gary's birthday meal, Valentines day, and the possibility of Gary & Jills baby being born in the next 7 days, so there should be plenty to talk about!


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