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Introducing.... Morgan William Knight

All together now....


Isn't he a stunner? I would have loved to get a closer shot of his face, but his eyes work so I don't want to blind the little sweetie. And he was so good all the time we were there too! Even if he did do a huge poo while I was holding him, lol!

We called into the neo natal suit just after 12 today to visit Jill, Gary and Baby Morgan for the first time. He'll be a week old tomorrow. Poor Jill has been sent home for the first time last night and Morgan has to stay in the hospital for now as he is still quite light and has lost a little weight too, hence the tube up his little nose there. She is finding it understandably hard. I mean, ok i don't have kids, but I do understand that when you have a child you want to bring them home with you when you leave the hospital, not leave them behind! She's also finding the sleep deprevation hard too, as they come in every three hours through the night to feed him, and are there with him all day too.

Having said all that though, all three of them seem to be doing brilliantly! Gary was telling us having a child for the first time is like someone taking your soul out, and handing it to your child, saying "here, this is yours now", that the love you feel is that powerful. Jill is still coming to terms with the fact that you don't get your figure back in an instant and is mortified that she is still wearing her maternity wear, but seems to be loving being a mother. I think it suits her! She said that the fears she had of not feeling maternal are all forgotten! And she went into great detail about the birth, and the ways and hows of the C Section she had to have - ergh! That was not pleasent listening, lol, but it's a fact of life!

We stopped for about 2 hours, I could have stayed there and held him all day! He's such a goreous wee thing! He only cried when he was getting his nappy changed, which is fair enough, and it was so sweet seeing gary panic over a small amout of redness round Morgan's bum bits while the nurse said "there's nothing wrong, he doesn't look sore", hee hee hee!


Could I look any happier or any more smitten??


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