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Jacs & Co

What a lovely day I have had! There I was just sat at the laptop tapping away and getting some work done and the phone goes. I almost didn't answer it, expecting another "Can I speak to a mrs C. O-ak-ez?" to which I will always answer no. Any one who doesn't know that I am a miss, and that Oakes is pronounced "oaks" isn't some one I want to speak to. infact, if i am not called, Chig, Charlie or Charlotte they can all feck off!

As it happens, this voice said "Hi Chig!" and I knew it was Jacs. She and David had pulled a sickie fom work, and it's the school holidays and the kids were home, could they come over for the day and see me? HELL YES!!! They arrived around 1pm and offered to take
me out for lunch so we all piled into their Punto and drove up to the Greaves where they have a play area for small people. Me and Jacs talked weddings and babies, poor Dave didn't want to get to involved (I think the conversation on which bras to wear when you go trying on wedding dresses freaked him out a bit).

Their wedding is in October, and Jacs was supposed to go dress shopping with her mum on Monday too, but she was sick so had to postpone. she reckons she would rather not go shopping with her mum anyway, who is making comments on her weight. Not the kind of thing a bride needs comments on!
We thought we'd have a look round Lancaster to
see what wedding dresses we could try on, and after lunch sent Dave off with the kiddies while we went off to the only wedding dress shop I know of in Lancaster proper. And it was SHUT! Gutted..... we went round some of the other shops like Monsoon and Next to see what they had, and then called in to the fabric shops - where I have managed to find some green veleveteen! I wonder if Yorkie will go for that instead? It's the closest thing I have found to what he wants.

We went back to mine and I nipped out to get Yorkie from work, and then (
attempted) to cook tea for us all - but we're running out of food now, and what we did have I didn't keep a close enough eye on and it caught on the bottom of the pan! Still, everyone ate what they were given, and even had some of the chocolate cake I made!

I wish
they could have stayed longer. I don't have room to put people up at the moment with the home office, and i can't afford to cateer for more people at the moment, but I don't care. I miss my mate, and I want us to go out and do bride stuff together! And I want to spend more time with the kiddies too. Mia is walking well now, and starting to talk, and Caitlin is growing up so fast it's scarry. And I'm missing it.

Good news tho
ugh, is that I should still be able to be caitlin's god mother regardless of not being catholic. Jacs and Dave think the rules are a little less strict these days, and so long as 1 god parent per child is catholic it should be fine. I am still technically a christian after all.

Hopefully jacs might be coming up aga
in before too long. It wil depend how much money they have as to whether they will all come, as I have room for one person to stay over, but if they all come they'll have to stay at the local travel lodge.


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