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No weight loss this week :0(

Sad to say I have not lost any weight this week. But I can't say that I am suprised.

  1. Not had any proper food in coz we're broke!
  2. Have been living off home baked bread - too many carbs, not enough of anything else!
  3. Not been to the gym - or done my DVDs - or ANYTHING!
So basically, I know that each day this week I have either not had enough points, or I have had too many, I haven't had a balanced diet by ANY strech of the imagination, and on top of that I have no exersize at all. If anything, I am shocked that I haven't gained any weight!

On the up side though, I went out to collect my Avon books last night and I already have over 100 pounds of orders, with some people promising to send me an order within the week, AND I still have the second hlaf of the houses to send books to AND my online order to come. So hopefully the cash flow situation will improve soon.

I am higly miffed that Hobby Games have not got back to about opening an account with them instead of pre-paying. The fact that I have no new stock in means I am getting next to no sales on my BH site and that is very un-funny! I am relying on the BH site doing well so i can progress with other stuff. It's a WEEK since I first asked, I know the email has been read, and there was no reply. So I emailed again and STILL there is no reply!


Still, on Monday I have a nice day planned. I'm going to see mum and we're off to look at wedding dresses and do some trying on! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

There's no news yet on Mark's progress, and we haven't heard from Gary and Jill yet, so we don't know if the baby is here yet either. I feel like a bit of a spare part at the moment with not very much to do, waiting for info from other people.


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