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Soooooo Busy!

All of a sudden things have gone hecktic on me!

Wednesday went great! I got to Kitten Fever with just enough time to spare to look keen, without being pushy. Esther is great! She's like an older version of Gemma! Short, plump, big hair, black mid length multi-layerd skirt, black top, and pink sequined mini-jacketty thing. And I tell you, it's a damn good job dad brought me that laptop because she didn't have a kettle, let alone a computer in the shop!!!

I showed her the CD-ROM I had made, and showed her prices for the various types of web site I could do, and she told me what I expected her to, which was she was already tied into a web site contract. That's ok though, because what I am aiming for is to sell her stuff myself. I explained about the PamperDayZ web site I have planned to sell Ann Summers & Avon on, and showed her the template of what I have designed so far. She seemed keen so I plunged on.

So far she has no other hosts selling her stuff, there's just her doing it, and two shops selling her stuff. As asked me what the other companies let the sellers have as commision as she was thinking of 10%. I told her about Avon & Ann Summers approximate 20% standard, and offered to forward her some of the information from those companies so she could get a good idea of how to set her hosting service up.

She has agreed to let me sell her stuff. I get 20%, plus £5.00 per month towards my web site, and for that I sell her stuff and promote fer web site (so the £5.00 is really for advertising). She's setting up a kit etc and will get in touch next week (and if I haven't heared anything by Wednesday I'll call her!)

It did all seem to go very well though, and we seem to be forming a frienship too, so hopefully that will encourage things.

Tuesday night I went out round the local streets with my Avon books and posted them through the doors on my street and the next one up. Two people have placed orders...... it's not much. Andrea's taken a book though, and I have listed some of the underwear on eBay so hopefully I'll get some more. I really want to get to my predicted order amount! I've been out again tonight with the few book I have managed to get back and done most of the next road - which is a pretty big one. I get those back on Sunday, so fingers crossed for me ok?

Wednesday was spent working on the new web site, and the day was pretty dull, but in the evening Debs and Marie came round for singstar and dancemating! Yorkie went round to Marks (don't blame him!). We got a chinese in and drank wine, and sang and warbled and danced the night away. I think we might have upset next door a bit! We were pretty loud, and up pretty late!

After they went (poor Debs had to be in work the next day) I passed out on the settee watching a movie, and didn't wake up again until 10 post 6 in the morning. And only then because the phone was ringing. As Yorkie hadn't come home yet I thought it might have been him asking for a lift home - not that I was in any state to drive. But it wasn't..... It was a recorded of a random text message sent to my landline phone. I can't recall all of it as it was a weeeee bit random, but here goes:

"Piss flaps, spunk bucket," something something something "Tom wants a wolly pop, spank my botty"

Now this played twice..... and there was only one person who could be responsibe! So I rang Yorkie.

"What the fuck was all that???" I asked

"Did you get Tom Bakers voice?!?!?!?!"

"Nooooo....... I got that electronic bint."

"Shit!" (to Mark) "it didn't work"

You see, for those of you who don't know, texted voice messages are changing over from the annoying perosnallityless electronic voice, to Tom Bakers. It's been talked about a lot on te news and radio etc over here. But clearly, it's not on every ones phone yet.

Still, it was an interesting way to be woken up!

I went back to sleep. But at about 10.30 he called me again asking to be picked up. When I got to Mark's they were both still supping bear (beer at 10.30 am isn't so bad if you remember that they hadn't been to sleep yet). I was somewhat hacked off that I had to get dressed. I'd wanted to stay in my JPs all day nursing my hang-over, and after a couple of hours of nattering I begged to go home. I invited Mark back with us as they were clearly still have a lot of fun together.

Once home I got back in my PJs and snuggled up under some blankets and worked on the laptop while they played Silent Hill on the PS2.

About 3.00ish Andrea turned up (I'd forgoten she was coming round - I was still in my PJs, the lads were being, well, lads, and the house looked like a bomb had hit it! DOOOOM!) I made her a brew and we sat and gossiped about MM. I filled her in on everything that had happened on Tuesday, and got some much needed info off her so I can "check up on things" next time I'm in.

She's only been there about an hour when my mobile went off. It was J from the Lancster stall asking when I was coming over for the games I had left to get sorted out ready for selling - clearly something else I had forgotten! He asked me if I knew what was going on at MM and I said, honestly, I knew nothing new since Tuesday. He said I had better get down there sharpish before bossman arrived then, so I apologised to Andrea, sent fer off with an Avon book, and got dressed again.

When I got there J and P said that D had left..... Bossman had paid him two weeks money and said "you don't have to stay till the end of the week" so he went!!!! J was thinking that as he too only had 1 weeks notice that bossman might do the same to him - not that he was bothered. I scarpered before bossman turned up, not wanting to see him.

Yorkie and Mark were still happily playing on the PS2 when I got in, and pounced on my bag of games when I got through the door to see what they could borrow until it had sold. As usual most of what I had been given was shit, but there were two games which they fancied a good on. I've ended up buying one of them for Yorkie (tut!), and I went to list the rest.

Today I have continued with the new site, and put some underwear on eBay, sorted out my Avon books, and had a long natter with D on the phone were he told me about bossman telling him not to bother coming back in, and paying him two weeks money with a cheque (which we're expecting to bounce!). S has a job there until Morecambe market stall closes, and then he'll loose his job to the lapdog (as FB can't work without him). There's a good chace S will walke before then though coz he can't stand FB. SB is not likely to EVER be coming back according to D - I feel quite impressed that I've manged to stay there after her! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

I also went to meet Debs for coffee. She's still suffering from Wed night, and was still very wound up about her session, and about work. Some things have got better, some things have got wrose. She is now on civil talking terms with her ex, but now the other lady in the shop (who Debs is manager of) is being unpleasent, everything from refusing to take instruction to out-and-out swearing at poor Debs. She's seriously considering a new job, and I can't say that I blame her. The job is becoming too nasty to tollerate now.

Jeez, I hope they don't turn on Yorkie next, he still loves working there! Although he is very very good at letting all the shit that goes on there go right over his head! Debs calls him "Zen-like". It's his wonderful "Shit happens" and "it'll be reet" attitude that gets him though life! I suppose it it pretty Zen, lol!

Tomorrow I'm off to my very first ever Baby Shower! The wives and girlfriends have organised a secret baby shower party for Jill as she is due to drop-sprog in the next few weeks. I am yet to buy a gift though, so it'll be town first thing in the morning for me to buy toys and gift wrap for the soon-to-be-small-person of undetermined gender. Sarah's coming to pick me up at 1pm so I'll have to get a shuffle on if I'm to go shopping AND get some work done before getting ready.

There just are not enough hours in the day for me at the moment! And I am SO tired too! I haven't even been on Weight Watchers Challenges for days.... I'm sure they think I have abandoned them by now. Infact, I'll pop on now and at least say hello!


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