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Still no weight change *sigh*

Right, I don't want to make excuses, but I am skint! And that really does make a difference. Fatty foods are cheaper than healthy foods.... and I tried to avoid that whole situation by doing a months worth of healthy food shoping back when we had some money, and to some extent that worked because we had healthy, low fat meats and fish in the freezer, and just enough of the "orange" food to tide us over on days when I get Yorkie to cook (e.g. Avon book nights when I am too busy to cook). I also have a load of frozen veg too, but there's only so much food you can fit in a freezer, and 30 days worth is pushing the limit!

It's the fresh stuffs that's the problem. You can't buy enough fresh fruit, veg, milk & bread to last a month in one day because it'll go off, right? I've been baking my own bread (but at 22 points per loaf I have to go easy on it) and apart from that I have very little in the way of breakfastable and lunchable food.

It sucks! The healthy balanced 5 portions of fruit & veg has gone out of the window, I am limited to the amounts of cereal and nuts etc I have in a day because I only have the high-point home baked bread, and as for dairy..... There's just milk, and I hate milk, and we hardly have any in anyway. I was trying to make myself a load of no points soup as I can stock up on tinned toms when we have money, but without other fresh veg to put in, it's justed blended toms. Dull! Although it is warm.... so that's something.

So I should be combatting the increased intake of points by working out more, right? HA! I can't afford to keep up my gym membership, and as the heating has packed in here and it's damed freezing - and we can't aford to get a man out at the moment - so the last thing I want to do it get into my gym kit and start prancing about. I'll get flu!

All in all I am highly impressed that i have't gained weight in the last couple of weeks. I am putting that down to the fact that I am so cold all the time that I am burning cals keeping warm!

And I have to say I am very very proud of my bread. It's come on so well! But it would, after baking, what, 12 loaves by now?

It's getting me into the whole house wife thing too, I've baked a chocolate cake for my friends, I've baked a ton of bread, I even made my own batter for fish! Which, in my humble opinion, was crisper, lighter, and nicer than that from the local chippie! My house smells great!!! I'm planning on making my own pizza base soon, which I used to do years ago (strangley, last time I was flate broke) and having another go at home made pizzas. Healthy ones.....?

Every cloud has a silver lining doesn't it?


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