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Wedding Dresses & Mum

Went to Burnley today to see mum and visit some wedding dress shops. We had a lovely time, althogth of the three shops we went to, only one was right. The first was more for hen nights, and the second was closed on Mondays, but Protupia was wonerful! I tried on a few dresses and now I have a good idea of he shape of dress I'll need to flatter my figure. For more on that see;

Seeing mum is always great though. I took some of my home made bread, and mum made some homemade soup and some bacon butties. We nattered and gossiped for HOURS before we actually got out to the shops. wetalked about poor Isabelle and Mannie, we talked about Dad, and we talked about my mum's parents. This is not something we do often. I never met my granddad, he died before I was born, and mum told me of the anger and resentment she felt towards my granmother at his funeral. She didn't want his ashes, she didn't want any memorial plack, or bench or anything. She just wanted rid of him. She didn't even invite anyone to a wake afterwards. Sadly I did meet her. I generally don't even refer to her as grandmother. She's just Hilder. Mum told me about the horrible up bringing she had, how awful the woman was to her and her dad. It's astounding that mum has turned out to be the sane, rational and loving woman that she is, although her marriage to my dad makes a little more sence now!


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