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Dress shopping with Jacs

Jacquie came over yesterday evening for a night out and a day of wedding dress shopping! And I have to say we had SO much fun!!!

Last night we went out around 7 or 8 ish and went to Bella Italia, formerly Bella Pasta, a favorite old haunt of ours where we knew we could get a good feed for not much cash.... how wrong we were! Horrified we were to discover that along with the name change there has also been an alteration to the menu.... the tripling the price and halving the portions!! Not impressed by that AT ALL as I had next to no money and Jacs was taking us out on her hubby-to-be's money!

We settled for one cause and one bottle of wine, and a sharp exit!

Went to the Sun, and the to LA1, and then to KeyStones. Just for a change really, not places we have gone to before. we had planned to go to Revolution and then give Chicago Rock one last go before it closes for good, but got a wee bit too drunk before we made it to either of those places. it'snot our fault! There was live music in LA1 and we got sucked in... and we kept onbeing asked if we were students which went to our heads a bit too! By the time we were in KeyStones poor jacs was feeling a little worse for wear and i was starving, so we ended up getting a pizza and a taxi home!

When did we grow up and become old??? We spent a great deal of time reminising about our Uni days, and wishing we could go back and do it all again, but it was almost 6 years ago for me, and 5 years ago for her *sigh*

but anyway.... the shopping!

We got to Preston late this morning with a computer print out from of bridal shops within the PR1 area. it came up with 13.... we found 1! And it happened to be a Pronupia, which i love anyway so away we went!

We both tried on about 4 or 5 dresses each - which for me is pure extravagence as I already have my dress on order but for Jacquie was vital as up until now she had only had one dress fitting, with her mother, who was picking out dresses she HATES!

We loved the second dress she tried on, I wish I had a photo to show you but sadly I don't. It's a dress made to look like a two piece like mine, with a red and white banded top, lace up back, ivory skirt with red details, and a detachable train so that she can dance in with without people stamping all over her dress. And I have to say she looked AMAZING in it!

After that we went to Weatherspoons for lunch - which was crammed full of sudents "celebrating" St Paddy's day (For Celebrating see "any excuse to get smashed") which made us feel SO old!. The we went hunting for more dress shops. We couldn't find ANY! We did look st wedding rings, and looked at the wedding collections in BHS and Debenhams. We didn't rate the wedding dresses, but the bridesmaids stuff was lovely... the small bridesmaids / flower girl stuff was gorgeous! There's a good chance we'll be buying that kind of thing for Jacquie's girls for both weddings!

After a good wonder round we went back to my car, as (as sods law would have it) as we drove out of the multi-story guess whst we saw directly across the road.... TWO WEDDING DRESS SHOPS! We had, apparently, gone out the wrong set of doors! But given a choice of two it was only going to happen that way wasn't it! We also saw a MUH quicker way of getting to the one we did manage to find! DOH!

it was very close to closing time so havig driven round in a circle trying to find a free parking space we ended up back in the car park and paid for another hour and a half. This time just Jacs tried on the dresses - there really wasn't much time for us BOTH to do it after all.

Having texted her mother after trying on the great dress in shop one to say "I've found the one!" Jacs fell in love with another dress in this shop... one which is very similar to the one I am basing my dress design on, and again it looked fabulas! She did try o a few others, but none where anything like as good as these two, so in a week or so she is bringing her mum up to Preston to show her.

We got lost trying to find the train station, making our now usual mistake of going in the totally WRONG direction and having to turn round again! I dropped her off and managed to get to Yorkie just in time to bring him home from work, where I presented him with a leaflet I had found for "Celebration Cheese Cakes"..... Not actual "cheesecakes" mind, towers of posh cheeses made to resemble wedding cakes! How brilliant! And knowing how much that mad of mine LOVES cheese (He's only two steps away from becoming "wallace") I just knew he's love it. So we're having one! As well as a wedding cake!

I'm off to Leeds on Saturday to do this wedding shoe shopping, andon Sunday I'll be refining the dress design and getting the next set of measurements in. I'll update you all then!


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