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Jacs, wedding shopping, and web sites

I really ought to keep up with this a bit more. I seem to be spending more and more time on my wedding blog and letting this one slip.

Been another busy few days! Jacquie came over on Thu evening, and we went out for dinner and a tour of the bars that have sprung up since we last had a night out together.

I was so shocked and stunned by the price hike Bella Pasta - sorry - Bella Italia have imposed since changing their name. The price has tripled, and the portions have halved! Not impressed! We ended with just a main meal each and 1 bottle of wine instead of the usual extras of a starter each and a desert to share, and another bottle of wine.

Still, the rest of the night was ok. i took her to the Sun, and to LA1, tried to get into the Lounge Bar but got turned away because we're not students any more, and finally into Keystones. We had a great long catch up, and reminised about being students, and talked about our pending weddings. it was a great night!

On Friday we went wedding dress shopping in Preston, and got lossed about 6 times which seems to be standard for me and Preston. i just don't know my way round the place at all! Jacs has found two dresses she loves and is bringing her mum up to show her soon.

Saturday ment i was driving to Leeds again for this shoe shopping spree with Fay. I have found some very nice shoes, and a matching handbag, which together were cheeper than the stuff I had seen in the wedding shops for JUST the shoes! See my wedding blog for more!

Sunday was an odd day, dad went a bit mental and insisted on giving me money which I HAD to spend in Ikea there and then..... So i bought a dragon for Yorkie, a whisk for my baking, and a bag of tea-lights which i was running low on.... Oh well! After that me and Fay went to the wedding dress people and i got mesured again for the dress, this time in the shoes, and we talked about embroidery and all that kind of stuff.... and then we talked Business!!!

I shall be designing and maintaining her retail web site, her wholesale web site, and possibly more later. I shall be setting up and designing her ebay shops too! So that's £25 per site per month, plus ebay stuff and day visits! Winner!

I got back to Bolton-le-Sands early for picking Yorkie up, so I spent what was left of dad's cash on "Wallace & Gromit in the Curse of the Were-Rabbit".... money well spent!

On Monday I went on another long yomp with Debbie round Arnside and Silverdale and had long natters about random stuff, and posh cakes in a nice cafe (complete with cat that i wasn't allowed to steal) and this time I took my camera with me so I managed to get some nice shots, although I haven't sorted them out yet so I'll have to post them later, or just stick em on Flikr for you.

So yeah, I think that's the lot for now. I have to go to the Docs tomorrow to get back on the Pill, and I should be getting down to the registra while I'm in town too and see what has to be done there.


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