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Ann Summers Party 2

Well friday was a storming success I think! There were six uf us in the end; myself and Jacquie, Jill, Sarah, Tara and Jen. Jen was working and could only come late and not stay for long as it's her birthday do on the sat night, but she was a star while she was here modelling most of my outfits for the party. She was so good at it that I am going to hire her to model at my other parties when she is available!

We got trashed, absolutly steaming drunk! We tried to play some games, but got so busy with the nattering that we didn't even manage to finish one single game! I think that's a good thing though because it meant we were just getting on with having fun and having a laugh with each other. The games are designed to get people going and break the ice. Clearly not needed!

It was odd conversation though, we seemed to contastantly skip between chatting and laughing about sex and vibes one moment, to sharing tips of child rearing and passing round photos of children! I think it all did Jill a world of good though when she saw that you can be a mum and still have a life, after all, Jacquie and Jen haven't stopped living just because they have kids!

It's such an eye opener though when you have an Ann Summers party with your mates, especially when you find out that all of your friends have vibes, some of them have named them, some people have used them until they have seesed up (the vibes, not the girls!), and then there's the orders that come in! Hee hee hee!

Of cause I could never divulge such information as who bought what and why!

We had such a good night though that there is talk of holding a regular get togther for things like poker nights, and more Ann Summers parties. Every one really liked Jacquie, and now know she is real and not my imaginary friend, lol!


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