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Lost friend found?

I am very excited! At the risk of sounding like a total LOON I think I have been found - via blogger - by a very dear old friend of mine from when I was taking my A-Levels. Look back a couple of posts to the "what do I do to men" post, and there's a comment from a guy calling himself Sparkie.

Now, there has only ever been one Sparkie in my life, a great friend of mine who was in the same psychology class as me and my ex Shaun. He's such a sweet guy, and so funny too, and I was gutted when I lost touch with him. The last time I saw him it was when he made a flying visit though Lancaster just after I got together with Yorkie. And strangly enough just lately he has been on my find on and off. Infact yesterday, while I was sorting out the junk in my draws that I have in my office, I found some photos of me and the "old gang" with Sparkie on them - handcuffed to my former best mate as it happens. I saw it and thought "Jeez, I wish I could get in touch with Sparkie again".

Spooky or what?

Of cause I could be setting myself up to look very very foolish if this Sparkie isn't the Sparkie I'm thinking of. I've been racking my brain to think if anyone else it could be, and I've drawn a blank. If it's some else I know who calls them self Sparkie I run the risk of offending them by not remebering them, and if it's a coincidence that some random guy called Sparkie (who happens to be in Lancashire, into the same stuff, and the right age etc) has left me this message I will probably have just freaked him out totally.... But hey, I've taken the chance!

Please don't be offended if your notmy old friend, but PLEASE be him! I miss my buddy!

Gonna go get my man from work now, and drive him nuts natting on about "old times" and "old friends", lol!


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