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Parents visits

I've them them both this week already, and it's only wednesday!

Mum came round on Monday, she's been to Lincolnshire last week with John on a free holiday he scored from work, and she's brought us some local cheeses and honey (yummy yummy!). She only stayed about 3 hours, which I was gutted about, but she's not much of a natterer. Yorkie had bought me the movie of "Phantom of the Opera", which me and mum love and have seen on stage 3 times already, so I put that on and we watched that togther. It was really nice, but the wether stared to get bad (hail stones, rain AND sleet, great for April isn't it!) so she wanted to get off before it got any worse. it's fair enough considering her eye sight now, and the fact that as much as I love her, her driving skills are unnerving at the best of times!

On Tuesday I got a call from Fay to say she and Dad were coming over... in fact they had set off! This pisses me off! Mum arranges to come round on a day that's convenient for us both, dad just barges his way in - like last tuesday when me and Yorkie had arranged to spend a dad with my Nan and he turned up and took over the entire day so that neither me or Yorkie bearly got to say a word to Nan! We just got half an hour after dad left before we too had to go!

As usual he spent the day making digs at me and crisizing Fay and basically being a bully and getting under my skin. It's all very well buying me a pub lunch (even though I had told him I would prepare a nice healthy lunch at home - which we both need as we're both over weight) and stuffing £20.00 in my hand (against protest, when I let him give me money he tells the world he is "still supporting his little girl" who clearly can't look after herself at 26!). But i can do without being told the same story 20 times, at 25o decilbels, and I can live happiy without him calling my mother a lier, giving verbal abuse to the kids on my street for kicking a football about, tormenting my cat until she runs and hides cowering, and telling my feller that I am a selfish spoiled brat!!!!!!!!!

He's sold his house this week, an should be moving to france within the next 8 to 10 weeks.

what a shame!

Don't get me wrong, I do feel a wrench that my dad is going to be living in a different country and that it means I'll hardly see him once he's moved.... but at the same time I feel such a releaf! Unfortunatly it seems to mean that I'll be subjected to him at least another half dozen times before he does go. He KEEPS ON telling me that I HAVE TO SPEND EVERY HOLIDAY WITH HIM IN FRANCE and talks about when me and Yorkie GO TO LIVE WITH HIM! It's not going to happen and the more he bangs on and on about it the less I want to even visit him out there!

It's all the wrong way round. I want to spend more quality time with my mum, and much much less with my dad. But mum doesn't want to "be in my way" and dad just assumes that he is the centre of my universe!



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