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Britain 'needs compulsory voting' - EHHHH????

I just had to make a comment on this. I saw it on BBC Breakfast this morning and I am disgusted!

Forcing people to vote???

Now, I understand that people have died to bring the vote to the general poplation, not least women. I am greatful for the right and the opportunity to vote.... and the right to choose not to if I see fit.

My dad has - in the past - always told me that to not vote os awful, especially since he himself was a local counciller when I was a child, but even HE chose not to cast a vote in the last election.

The reason why?


I could never vote for the Labour Party. I am a former student, and their "wonderful idea" of charging a fortune for education leaves me seething. Now, if you want a good education, you have to either be rich to start with so mummy and daddy pay for you to go, or you can end up in so much debt that you will never EVER be free of it, or you can't have one at all and you and your children end up with only a basic education for generation after generation.

The Conservatives haven't had a policy for years. I know Maggie get's a bashing, but at least she had policies!

And the Librals.... Who the hell are they? What do they do? What do they stand for? WHO KNOWS!

That just leaves the lesser parties, and that just opens a whole new can of worms that I am just not going to go in to right now. Daring to make any comments about any of them leaves a person open to so much lableing, like "racist".

I think that compulsary voting will do nothing for those who are trying to impose it. It will not mean that Tony and his party of tossers, liers and warmongers will stay in power for longer. What it will mean is that yet more of our tax money will get waisted on yet another moronic scheme. Surely this money would be better spent on the NHS, on the Prison Serivce, on tracking down these "acidentaly-released-and-lost-rapists-and-murderers-who-were-supposed-to-be-deported", on housing our homeless, and countless other IMPORTANT things!

Anyway, that's how I feel about it. You are welcome to read the BBC report and make up your own mind.

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