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Days of monotany

I'm a seriously fed up wee lassie. My days are just running into one another with little to no differnce between them.

It's my own fault. I knew that starting a home business as my one and only employment would cause problems like this, although I thought I would handle it better.

My days have fallen into one single format - with the only exception being Yorkie's days off work, and Sundays when I ferry Yorkie round at different times.

  • 7am, get up have a wee and a wash.
  • 7.15am, power up the PCs and check all my emails
  • 8am, drive Yorkie to work
  • 9am, call in at post office on way home and post off orders, or get home and do quick housework jobs
  • 9.30, check emails again, reply where nessessary, send of required responces
  • 10am, start work on web sites and eBay
  • 12pm, remember that I have missed breakfast and that's why I'm starving. Have lunch at my desk (why?? I'm at HOME!).
  • 12.30, return to work - or if work is done for the day, play sims
  • 5pm, collect Yorkie from work
  • 6pm, arrive home and prepare snack and a coffee for Yorkie
  • 6.30, check emails
  • 7pm, either: do avon rounds, bake bread, or have an hour playing computer games with Yorkie
  • 8pm, cook and serve dinner, clean kitchen
  • 9pm, return to playing games with Yorkie with a glass of red wine (for my health and circulation, ahem)
  • 10pm, go to bed ("snuggle" or watch a movie or read, or combination of) and go to sleep

Notice things that are missing? Like going to they gym, which I used to love, and the sauna, which was perfect "me time", or like chatting with friends, or shopping, or going to the salon, or countless millions of other things that 20-something girls do for fun.....

I'm not saying that I don't do ANYTHING else, because that's not true. Sometimes I have a Friday Pub Lunch with friends, sometimes we have a few people round or go to visit them.... But sometimes it feels like my life is just so monotanous. Sometimes the only way I know what day it is when I get up in the morning is by which day my Pill packet is on.

I need to get myself sorted out!


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