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Going to the ZOO!!!!!

Went here:

Dad and Fay came over for the day on Sunday, bringing the usual assortment of random gubbins with them, like a roll of backing paper for decorating (we're not doing any) 2 rolls of christmas wrapping paper (to put on the walls after the backing paper???) and an in car air conditioning unit (???). But they did also lend mye their pasta maker as they are not going to be needing it while they are living in te Dandy Trailer Tent all summer waiting for their house to be built in France, so it'll be fresh pasta a go go for a while here, yum yum. And a bee arial topper for my car (hee hee hee)

But the best part of the day was being taken to the zoo! Something I have wanted to do for YEARS and not been able to talk Yorkie into going, he says he can "take or leave" zoo, but after this trip he seems to have changed his mind. Appart from being gutted that there were no Elephants, he suggested going again, and also going to OTHER zoos too so he CAN see elephants! HA HA!

In my opinion the best part of Southlakes Wild Animal Park is the lemurs.... which run round free! And cause utter chaos! There is an area - penned off from the rest of the zoo - where the lemours run riot and where the peacocks are. And a bit where the Australian animals roam free too, kangaroos and wallabies and emus which you can feed. You're not supposed to feed the lemurs, but they break out into the Austrailan area, and into the park in general, and it's hard not to let them eat something, lol.

We saw some great animals though, white rhinos, specticaled bears, coatis, lions (which were not doing ANYTHING, but is was a wet day), penguins, paraots, gibbons..... oh, I can't list them all. We did see the Tigers being fed though, which was BRILLIANT if a little scarry. I got some close photos of one tigeress chomping on her chicken which she'd rived off a tall pole.

I got to stroke a lemur - which your not supposed to do incase they bite, but he climbed up right next to me and didn't seem to mind people milling about. I think he was after my austrailan animal feed that I had in my pocket. We got mugged my free roaming emu's which really disturbed Fay who doesn't like birds at the best of times, and was a wee bit intimidated by one which was almost as tall she she was (and I have to say, so was I!) and even less happy to be courned by three of the buggers!

I've got my photos on Flikr to share. I ran out of memory on my camera's chip half way round the zoo, but dad got loads too, so when he's sorted out his flikr account they'll be up there too. have a look!


Rainypete said…
I love going to the zoo. My fiend took his 2 year old there and she was shouting at the elephants to do something as they were just standing about. So one of them obliged her and took a huge dump (maybe she should have been more specific) so now when anyone asks her abou the zoo, the only answer they get is "Elephant pooped!"
MummaWalker said…
Kids are great, lol!

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