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Silent Hill Saturday

Yorkie has the weekend off, and just for once, we're DOING STUFF!


Mark called up on Friday night asking if Yorkie wanted to do anything that didn't involve a pub (this is shocking - normally they only ever see each other in the boozer!) so they made plans for the four of us (me and yorkie, mark and gemma) to go to the cinema and watch the Silent Hill movie on saturday. (this too is stunning as I have been begging yorkie to go to the cinema with me for months to not avail).

So Sat morning I drove into town on the hunt for a multi-tap for the playstation so that me, yorkie and mark could play multiplayers until gemma finished work, and i was to collect mark from sainsbury's while I was there. Foolishly I ended up buying a multi-tap that was PS2 "slimline" only.... soit didn't work. Not my fault! The box just said PS2, the"slimline only" was in small print on the back of the box, so I forfit my gameplay and baked instead like a good little housewife (grum grum grum).

About 4 or 5 ish I drove mark back into town to meet gemma, take her home and wait for her to get changed ready to come back to ours for a take-away pre movie. She whinged. We ignored her.

Back to ours for more gameplay, and takeaway curry, and then we were off!

And I have to say..... if you have every played the Silent Hill games you will LOVE this movie! If you haven't..... give it a miss. I wont make any sence.

There are bits that scared the shit out of me though, like early on in movie where the lead-lady is being chased - and caught - by zombie/daemon/lava babies, all screaming, mewling, clawing, mutant children.... a swarm of them that catch her and drag her to the ground.... weeerrrrrr! not nice!

Wonderful things though, like Konami have played a huge part in the making of the movie. The monsters are straight from the game play, the zombie nurses are there, Pyramid Head is there, it switches between generally scarry to out and out horrific at the sound of the siran.... It truely is the game brought to the screen.

If you thought Resident Evil was good, you aint seen nothing yet!


Rainypete said…
I can't wait to see it if only to see where in town they filmed. We had a few building in our city used in the film.
MummaWalker said…
Woooh! That's pretty cool!

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