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OMG I can' believe it - England won a match!

hee hee hee - Guess i shouldn't be so harsh. We aren't the worst team in the world by a long shot, but I am some what doubtful of our chances of going all the way.

I mean, look at the way we played! Our only goal was an own goal (fortunatly to our benifit), and once again, after taking an early lead we sat and did nothing.

It was a dull match.

I KNOW that it's pointless to ware out our best players early on etc, and we need to save their legs for the later, harder, more important matches, but it smacked (yet again) of Sven testing out his squad. Surely that should have been done BEFORE settling on them and flying off to Germany!

And when will we stop getting hourly updates on the "no news about Rooney" front! Im sick of this, tournament after tournament we "rely" on just one punter to save England's day and bring glory. And it's not just football, take the Rugby Union Internationals... as soon as Jonny Wilkinson got injured we were fecked!


All that said though, I am proud to support my nation, wear the shirts, watch the matches, join in with the tears and the cries of joy.

And maybe, just maybe, this year we will win!


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