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YAY! How much fun have I had this weekend??? And HOW MANY KIDS!

This is doing my brooding no good at all!

Jacquie and David called in for lunch on Friday on their way to a camping trip at Millom with Caitlin and Mia. Mia is coming on in leaps and bounds. It's scarry to think it's only been a few weeks since I say them all last and I swear Mia has grown several inches, and she's stringing sentaneces togther now too. Sadly, Caitlin is feeling a little left out and is kicking up a fuss, but she's still my little princess, and she knows mummy ans daddy still love her too. Ahhh!

On Saturday Jill and Tara organised a "pub lunch" up by Tara and Colin's. So the three of us girls, our fellers (Yorkie's had the weekend off too), and Jill & Gary's baby Morgan toddled up to the pub around 2.30 / 3.00 to find the pub shut until 5pm! So pub lunch became pub tea and we didn't finish getting served until closer to 9.30 (no oil in the frier, no chef, and new bar staff that didn't know what they were doing all contributed to lousy service, lol). Morgan is getting huge now too, and has started to hold his own bottle! I got to have a nice long cuddle and play before he got hungry and tired and had to be taken home (boo!)

And today Jen came over with Adam for lunch, a whole roasted chicken from Asda, loads of salad and more crisps than anyone knew what to do with - which is good as crisps are Adam's most favourite thing in the while wide world! Yorkie was feeling rough from the dodgy ham at the pub the night before, so me and Jen went to the park with Adam for a bit so he could play on the swings, and we introduced him to the roundabout... which he didn't care for much. He loves to go fast, and he's not old enough to figure out he needs to grap on tight to the roundabout before anyone can make it fun for him. So we stuck to the swings.

I'm feeling a bit low now they have all gone, and taken their children with them. *sniff*. Can't wait until me and Yorkie have some of our own. Tomorrow we'll be a step closer though, we're off to give notice on the wedding, and forking out £30.00 each for the privarlage (well, Yorkie's paying for both of us as I am brassic) so that means we're that bit closer to getting wed, and then to starting our own family.



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