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Nicky & Gary's Birthdays

So were've been back to Yorkie's folks for another birthday celebration. Two, actually. Little Nick is 3, and Gary is 40!

The party was at gary's parents again, like it was for Christophers, but it was a smaller crowd this time, with just family and Rachels friend Nikky who has two sons about the same age as her's and Gary's. This time Jenny was there - back from her holiday - but Bob wasn't as he's been struck down with one of these tummy bugs that have been floating about lately, and Chris seemed to be over his "Slap Cheek" from his own birthday.

The weather was threatening to be crappy, the alleged "August will be as hot if not hotter than July" hasn't happened and it's actually been cool and damp! But when there's a bouncy castle involed a little rain doesn't stop kids - little and big! Even I ended up on it this time when Nicky grabbed my leg and begged me to comeand play with him (Whos heart wouldn't melt??). Dave managed to get some video of it so when he's re-built his PC he'll be publishing that and his photos so I'll get a link up asap.

Sunday was a nice day too. We went for lunch at a posh italian place (which used to be a hardware shop!!) with Kate, Dave, Daves mum (whos name I can't remember - sorry) and Richard (Dave's son) and then went back to theirs and discussed wedding stuff. Kate is happy to do a reading for us, she's going to take the last of the three readings.

The only down side to the whole weekend was saturday night. Jenny still hasn't got the house sorted out for guests, so in the end Yorkie and I slept on the two-seater settee in the front room. Well, "sleep" is a loose term. I lay half on, half off one cushion with Yorkie lying on me and the other cushion. Him lying on me meant that I was loosing circulation to one limb or another most of the night, which woke me up, and every time I moved to let the blood flow I woke him up. it was pretty nasty driving the 135 miles back home with less than 3 hours broken sleep in me - plus a large italian meal! bu we made it back in one piece. PHEW!


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