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I've been suffering with headaches now for three days running. Nasty ones - or possibly the same one which keeps coming back. It's right behind my left eye (the eye that actually works realitivly well) and goes right through my brain to the base of my skull.

It's a hot, throbbing, killing pain, and I can't seem to shift it.

It started on Tuesday evening, and Tuesdays are my day off, so I don't think it's anything to do with working with cleaning fluids and stuff. It starts both when I'm on the PC and when I'm away from it, regardless of whether or not I am reading or watching TV so I don't think it's nessesarily eye strain (although I am LONG over due an eye test and new specs), and this time it's not because I am inadvertanlty poisoning myself with carbin monoxide in a dodgy car (which is what was happening LAST time I had bad headaches).

I can't even put it down to stress or being over tired because regardless of the fact that it is winter and I am feeling low, I'm not worrying overly about anything and I am actually sleeping well.

I don't like taking pain killers... normally I'll just stick out a heachache until it passes or go to bed early or something, but this one is driving me crackers! So I started hunting round the house for some nurophen, and I've run out. Typical! I did find some paracetamol, but the use by date was feb this year... After 2 hours of pain so bad it was bringing me to tears I took 2 of them anyway and the pain went away to a dull throb for the rest of yesterday.

But today, about 11ish this morning, as I was driving away from one of my cleaning jobs it started again - boom boom boom! I don't really want to keep taking out-of-date paracetamol (who knows what that will do to me!) so I guess I'll have to admit defeat and buy some more... it's either that or I'm going to take a drill to my skull or attempt to scoop my brain out with a spoon!!!!


Rainypete said…
I get migraines from time to time. I hope that's not what you're slogging through. It's nasty stuff.

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