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Cursed Names - Poor Amber

It seems there is a curse on the name Amber.

I've just had a phone call from my mum to let me know that one of her kittens, Amber (Nosey) has died. At just 12 weeks old.

It seems he climbed into the washing machine this morning while no one was looking and was trapped in there through the cycle. She found his poor little body around 11 this morning.

Naturally she is devastated, and riddled with guilt. John sounds cross, and I'm crying even as I type this. It's not mum's fault.... she thought that the two kittens were together and safe. She only took her eyes off them for a second. We've never had a cat climb into the washer or dryer before and it never occured to her to check. I have Fizgig on my knee right now, purring and trying to lick the tears from my face, I understand how it happened to Amber, Fizgig is always trying to get into the dish washer, and of there is any water left in the bath tub he's in there playing in it. He has wet paws now from the bath.

So that's both Amber kittens dead at a stupidly early age, I suggest banning the name from use. Mum said she's going to give Splash extra love for the rest of his life. I wonder if he understands that his brother isn't coming back.

If you have a cat or cats of your own, please give them an extra love and fuss today, because you never know when it'll be the last.


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