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Gig night


Off to work now with very sore feet, smelling faintly of the beer that I was covered in during the thrashing...

Will post more in a bit!!

'In a bit.....'

So, yeah... It's gig night at the Yorky and it's tickets only (rare, yet always worth it). Debs and Marie pulled out at the last minute (grr) but I dolled myself up and toddled down Cannon Hill and through the Marsh to meet Lelly out side the (now heavily bordered up) Vic Pub. It's only a 5 or 10 min walk, but my feet are already hurting, thanks to the new leopard print, PVC healed ankle boots I had bought that afternoon (after a tip off from some one at work about a sale at New Look on boots etc), and I'm freezing in my thin black mesh top and jeans (the only sensible thing I had on!).

Staggered into town and went directly to the Yorky. Jen, Steff, Tall-Andy and various others were already there milling about... Plus a multitude of zombies...

I've never been to see SMP before. The fans like to dress up in tribute! There was fake blood - and an occasional fake limb - EVERYWHERE! Brilliant! Lelly ended up covered in someones fake blood at some point,and only noticed at the end of the night when she went to the loo and thought "what the HELL is THAT?"

Made a new friend too, guy called Mark (who Jen and Steff know, he's seeing a woman called Jill that we knew some time ago and who has a realy problem with Jen over a guy she went out with YEARS ago, as though it was any of Jill business. This Mark guy doesn't give a toss about all that though). He took it upon himself to guard all our stuff by the bar while we went down to the front of the stage while the bands were playing tracks we liked. I bought him a beer to say thanks and instandlty made a friend! lol... I think he rather likes his beer (the stroking of the glass and murmerings of 'beautiful beer' gave that a way a wee bit, lol).

Naturally Jim was there with his missus as his band was playing first. He got all excited when SMP signed his guitar for him too (bless). We had our (now usual) flirting session - which was a bit more graphic as he was drinking that night. Apparenly I have an 'amazing rack' and I can't repeat the rest of what he said as I think Yorkie would want to KILL him, plus Jims girlfriend wouldn't be over impressed either. It never comes across as a laugh in type, does it? Just to make sure though, I declined the swap of mobile phone numbers. Best to keep these things as occasional fun flirtings. It is nice to have a sexy young guitarist flirt with you though!!!

By the time SMP came on everyone was ready for them. There was a huge surge of people down to the front of the stage and we got smushed over to the side... which was a good thing once the dancing (madly crashing into each other and knocking each other all round the dance floor) started! Poor Lelly almost got knocked flying, we were all covered in everyones beer, and my already throbbing and near bleeding feed were jumped on!

It was bloody BRILLIANT!

By the time the bands finished this Mark guy had enlisted us girls into his personal hareem and promised to make us all a copy of his new SMP CD...

All in all, a good night.


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*~*Michelle*~* said…
Sounds like a wonderful time -- where are the details?? And the pics???
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Best wishes,

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