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Feeling the pressure a wee bit at the moment.The nightmares are back, and getting nastier. And I'm not sleeping so I'm grumpy too. Mind you, I am hormonal at the moment which does not help!


Went to see Sally-Ann yesterday, the hair and makeup lady. She has complimented me on my hair, saying it is in 'wonderful condition', and after much discussion we have agreed (grudginly) that I need to have about 3 inches taken off it to 'make the style nice'. For nice, read 'easy to do'... But as I hate having my head messed about with having my hair a bit shorter so that it wont be messed about with for quite so long might be a good idea. It'll grow back!

Need to find some new styles to send her now though, as my original idea of half-up-half-down will cover the expensive embroidery and beading on my dress. I need some 'up' styles to send Mum so that next tme she sees Sally-Ann she can pass them on.

Now... the makeup! Hee hee hee! I used to see Sally-Ann with Mum years and years ago, when she still had a hair salon as well as beauty (she just does beauty now unless it's for a special occasion like weddings) and it shows that she doesn't remember me AT ALL.

As she was applying my make up she was chatting away to me, trying to suss out how I wear my make up. Now, I don't want to say 'goth' , I said 'dark and smoky' because I don't think my make up IS that goth. but maybe I should have done, because when she's finished one eye (my right eye) and held up the mirror I almost burst out laughing.

It was silver and pink, with the thinest line of grey around the socket!!!

Very very pretty, but so much NOT me that it was funny. Really funny! Although I might copy the style for the hen night! In fact, I did say to her that it was ideal for the hen night I was having, but had Mum not mentioned that the wedding was green?

So she did my left eye in green. And that was much better. It's still NOTHING like my usual make up, but then again, when do I ever wear ivory? The shimmery gold which is used, and it seems very librally, will look lovely with the dress, but stupid with my normal attire!

She did also suggest that she covered me in glitter spray too.

I declined!

Aside from the fact that Yorkie would flip his lid if I came anywhere near his velvet jacket (or him at all for that matter) covered in glitter, it will ruin the look I am trying to achive (which is simply; not trash!), not to mention the nagative effect it would have on the dress!

Who wears glitter to their wedding? Again, hen night certainly, but WEDDING???


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