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More Tiara News!!

Had a massive break through with the tiaras! And it looks like the tiara I have posted about only a day or too ago might be given to Jacquie to wear! Plus the
neccklace and earrings I bought to go with it.


Because these lovely people at say they can make me a tiara that MATCHES OUR RINGS AND MY DRESS!!!!!!!

Really! It will be a bit more expensive than the one I have already ordered, but still reasonable. I'm emailing back and forwards with the lady there on the design, adding a bit here and a bit there and really being a bit of a fuss pot with the poor woman, and pushing the price up for myself in the process, but it's going to be worth it!

This is what she knocked together for me as a demo to see if she could actually make the knot into a tiara:

Now imagine that with a few well placed green crystal beads and pearls... It's going to be wonderful!


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