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I actually FORGOT to eat any lunch yesterday I was so busy when I got in from the Marina.

Was it ebay Sales?
Web site sales?
New web site design customer?

Nope. I had to clear out all the shite that has collected in the far end of the kicthen (which was supposed to be a small dinning area, but which is actually used at a storage space and pet care centre for the furry little monsters we choose to love).

The reason? I have a chap coming round today to measure up the kitchen and try to convince me that it's his company's brand of kicthen we should be getting installed.

It took TWO trips to the tip (but I only have a Micra. A larger car would have done it in one with room to spare) and 5 hours!

It's strange the things you find when you start chucking stuff out. Like, for example, all the fabrics I bought from my cross stitch abou 6 years ago and then lost. In a bag, in side another bag, in a box, in the kitchen. Why didn't I think to look there FIRST?? I also found a packet of photographs from a holiday to Amsterdam I have with my best mate Jacs, her feller Dave, and my ex Shaun. It was allegedly so that I could study up for my Van Gogh dissertaion, but in reality, it was an excuse to get legally stoned! Although poor Jacs was pregnant at the tim and had to be good.

Well, I say good. The reason I know these photos are hers and not mine is that while I was flicking through them I found one of a half naked David walking towards a bed... from where the photo ghad clearly been taken.

I didn't look any further, and texted Jacs to let her know I had them!

Bizzarly, yesterday evening, I was talking to Kate (mum-in-law-to-be) and we found our selves laughing about weed (and how one of her cats used to eat it, and then spend two days in the bottom of the wardrobe!) and visits Amsterdam... and planning to take a short trip out there in Feb! Have I mentioned how much I love my mother in law??

How ethical is it to get stoned with your in laws?


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