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SO happy! Yes yes yes!

The rings finally tuned up at Mums a few days ago, and today me and Yorkie drove down to see her, and to see the rings!

they are PERFECT! Mine looks so tiny next to his (it actually fits
inside and rattles round, hee hee hee). I think he got better value for
money than me
although his ring came with instructions and warnings, mine didn't.
Yorkie says it's in case someone who buys a titanium ring and then
breaks their finger while wearing it. It's a bit harder to cut through
a titanium ring than it is a gold one!
So people need warning to take them off if they are going to be doing
something in which they may get an injury... I'm hoping they will NEVER
need cutting!

Mum has them safe and sound at her house. Last
thing I need is for a certain small ginger kitten to find them and then
play with them / lose them / eat them. At Mum's they'll be safe.

This afternoon we took a trip over to the florist to see about the flowers.
And it was the simplest, easiest bit of wedding planning we have done!
She lady understood exactly what I wanted, said it could be done simply
and showed me the extras I can have. Easy!

She also understood
just what I wanted for table decorations, and said "fine" and even
suggested that if we didn't want to buy vases from them as they were
pricey, they have no problems using vases we buy or borrow from the
Hall. GREAT!

We talked button holes and corsages too. Yorkie's
going to be having a Calla for his button to match my bouquet. The
other button holes will be white roses. Mum is considering her corsage,
and I must remember to ask Kate if she wants one providing too. They
are also going to make an arrangement for Jacs to carry, which will
allow her to hold little Mia's hand (or Mia as a whole) if she needs to
keep hold of her.

It's been a good day!


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