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Feeling a little better today

I used some of the sleep therapy stuff that I sell from my Avon books last night. Balm on my chest and spray on my pillow. Knocked me out! In fairness, I was shattered after the trauma of yesterday, but I wasn't taking any chances. So this morning I woke up feeling a little lighter and brighter.

Last night I decided that I was not going to touch that wishlist script for two days. Instead I was going to work on providing changeable font sizes and using an external js file. Reasoning that if I continue with that one thing that I am stuck on I run the risk of losing points for these other two tasks by not getting round to them, as well as failing the wishlist task.

It took about an hour to do both those tasks! I'm thrilled! I'd set aside a day for each! It took considerably longer to write up what I'd done on the code page (I had to write up the form task too as I hadn't done it yet) and I've just finished all that now.

So my only remaining tasks are the damned wishist, and the final report of what I have done and why in layman's terms. The report should be simple enough to do, if time consuming. The only stress is the wishlist.


I'll have to get the train to Carnforth in a bit so I can go to work, so there's no point starting something that is just going to wind me up before I go. I'm taking the rest of the day OFF from scripting, and I don't see me doing much of it tomorrow either. I'll leave it for Saturday afternoon when I get back from the Marina. That should be enough of a rest for my poor little brain.

I feel SO MUCH better for having achieved something today. Not being able to do that script had me convinced I was thick and was in way too far over my head. Now that I have done some scripts today, and relatively quickly, I don't feel quite so dumb after all. A rest and some positive thinking might be just what I need to crack that bastard!


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