Argh! I have too much to do and not enough hours in the day to do them all in!
I'm having real problems with my current college assignment too. I'm stuck on one bit. Making a shopping card feature in javascript... using nodes and the DOM level 1.
Now... when it comes to adding and removing nodes from a web page, that's fine. I can do that. And I though that would be the hard part. But it isn't. The bit I can't do is making the newly formed nodes of text appear in the right place. You see, in the example scripts we were given to play with all the nodes appear at the bottom of the web page. But as part of the assigment they need to appear in the top right. The page is layed out using CSS and I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TELL THE CODE TO PUT THE NODES IN THE RIGHT PLACE!
But possibly I am just tired, as yesterday I couldn't make my rollover buttons rollover to save my life. I spent HOURS on them, and this morning it only took me 35 minutes.
However, today I have successfully done the following:
Main Page & Flash Intro Page
- Update the provided navigation to use image rollovers (hard one that)
- Modify the Flash intro page to provide a clickable link to the main page
- Modify the Flash intro page to forward a visitor to the main page automatically after their first visit by setting and detecting a 'flashSeen' cookie.
- One of the last two tasks must use an appropriate event
- Display pan view images in a slide show controlled by the user
Sample Product Page
- Use W3C DOM techniques to demonstrate how a shopping cart would look to a visitor, simulating both adding and removing at least one sample item on a page (which I am stuck on now)
Form Page
- Use suitable events to call for data validation on at least three fields (last name, phonenumber and email address), providing good advice or reports on errors and improving the ease of entering and correcting data when the form is submitted (tricky, but doable)
- Use suitable events and DHTL to dynamically report back data entry errors for at least three form fields (street name, post code, credit card number) using colours and/or text on the page to notify the user while the form is filled out (a bit harder this one, not looking forward to it)
Wishlist Page
- Retireve the wish list data from the cookie and then dynamically generate a clear and correctly formatted wish list on the page from that data (no idea how to do that yet!)
- Access some javascript functions in an external javascript file (tried this, thought it would be easy, not got it right yet!)
- provide some support for non-javascript enabled browser access (a continuing thing, all done so far)