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It's one of those mornings. I need to be setting off for work in half an hour. My brain's notin gear yet.

Feeling fed up at the moment. I'm sticking at 12 stone again. I really need to get my work out DVDs on and burn some of this blubber off, but I dont have time (and yes, I can hear you saying 'you have time to blog.... half an hour before work? you should be doing it now' but then I'd only be sweaty for work. And I'm too tired right now).

I have 11 days left to get this assignment finished. I am making progress, but it feel like very slow progress.

Since my last post I have managed to sort out the demo shopping cart. What a nightmare that was... until I twigged the one simple thing I had overlooked and then it was a breeze. Typical, right? The Form Page was giving me similar grief and it took a day to figure that out. It still needs some tweeking, but the pressure is off with that one for now.

But - once again - I am stuck on the next bit, although I never kidded myself for a second that this would be an easy bit. This is the wishlist page. Here I have to read the cookie set on the index page and display it here. That bit was easy enough.... the tricky bit is getting it to display not as just lines of text lising out the names of the products, but to display a photograph of it and a link to the product page too. Hummmmm..... this is going to require some serious back-reading of materials and some indepth on-line research for me.

I took yesterday off from my college work. I feel burned out. The weather outside is amazing, like summer already, and I want to be out in it. Not stuck in here working.

And to add to the pressure, 2 days ago the gubbins arrived for the NEXT class! Which starts in 16 days. It came with a list of submission dates too. Again, there are three mini assignments and 1 biggie. The 3rd mini assignment is due on my wedding day! The biggie is due the week after my honeymoon. GREAT. And there dosn't look to be any text books for this one, so I have to work at their pace, not my own,


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